the date

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now it was January 8th 2015 was the day he asked me out and that day i had my cousin over and my best friend alyssa and we planned a bbq here at my house but when he asked me out he wanted to hang out and my cousin was like " just come to her house foo , ima be here so it wont be that awkward ." he said he couldnt so i was like " fine want to just go to the park " he agreed we met up around 4 . it was somewhat awkward because my bestfrand was making it awkward. she kept taking ugly pictures of us i thought they were rlly cute ... he didnt. well about 30 minutes pass and one of his friends shows up and he leave me and alyssa to go to the side walk with his friend so i was like its ok im with alyssa like ill be fine . but ugh hes just so adorable i couldnt help but to look at him . a couple minutes later he texts me and asks me that why do i keep staring at him and i giggled and put my phone down and another 20 minutes pass and it was already pretty late . so his friends end up leaving and alyssa was getting annoyed of him so she decided to go om the swings and right when she leaves he puts his arm around me and started looking at me and my lips and he held my chin and kissed me . well alyssa managed to call 4 people play on almost everything fun at the park and still go on youtube . and she walked back to the benches where we were sitting and we were still kissing . and she walks back and says " daaammnnn yuh guys kissed forever " he laughed and we stopped kissing and i looked down at my phone , i had 3 missed calls he had 5 . oops . he walkled us half way home he had hus arm around me and started telling tht he had fun . i did to . and he went to go pick up some weed from his cuzin and he kissed me and left us walking . he called me right when he got home .

which was 2 hours later 💔 .....

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