Monday 😩

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🌼It's Monday, so today is the day when a new schedule for artists will come out for this week. Most of the events invite a specific artist to attend the event or it depends on the company who they will choose as representatives for the company.🌼

Barcode POV:

It's Monday, the first day of this week when school starts. Barcode hope today just never came.. he just wanted to lie in bed and get more rest. The whole world tour's world was really exhausting but he needed to come back to school. He can't skip every time, he doesn't want to miss more things. He needs to work harder than his other friends because of his work schedule.

At canteen;

"Can't today just be Saturday? I want to rest and sleep so badly... " Barcode grumbling what he feels to his friends.

"I hope every day is Saturday or Sunday," Tem said.

They both sigh loudly

"Hey Barcode, looks like your wish might come true," Tem said but not looking at Barcode, his eyes are still on his phone screen.

"Ha? What?" Barcode looking at Tem's questionable expressions.

"Look like you will have a date with your boyfriend this Wednesday~" Tem said that playfully while looking at Barcode to tease him.

"What nonsense you been talking now? What boyfriend?" Barcode said that tiredly because he knew his friend teasing him.

"This." Tem shows Barcode on his phone.

"Omg! I forgot I need to check the schedule, am I having any to attend?!" Barcode kinda panics because he forgets to check his work schedule. He's too busy with his school and restless this day to keep up with all his work and assignments. Not included the fact he still feel tired from the world tour.

"Yes, you got an event with Phi Jeff this Wednesday. It states here BrandxJeffBarcode" Tem said.

"This Wednesday?" Barcode was silent for a moment. "Isn't this Wednesday we decide to make our group assignment from Mrs. Sammy together?" Barcode asks Tem hesitantly because he feels guilty that he can't join them in the discussion.

"It's fine Barcode, you don't have to feel bad ok?" Tem can feel that Barcode feels guilty about it but he understands that this can't be avoided.

"Sometimes, I hope they will tell me sooner about my work schedule so I can arrange it and be free to join you guys." Barcode feels sad and guilty about all his friends because he has been relying on them too much when this happened.

"Hey! Don't feel guilty ok, it's fine, but inform to others first that you can't join alright?" Tem said that while patting Barcode's shoulder to calm him down.

Barcode noded. Then the bell ringing, which means the rest hours are ends. Barcode and Tem walk to their classroom together.

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