Chapter Forty-Three

Start from the beginning

He shrugged, flinching as Eir moved over the lower side of his stomach. "I don't know. She sounded kind of moany, I guess."

Heat swept through Loki at that, and it didn't help that Eir peered over at him, one eyebrow slightly raised and smile tugging on her lips. Silently thanking whatever god responsible for keeping Selig from opening their bedroom door last night at a very inopportune-and potentially very embarrassing-moment, Loki said, "Mommy is just fine, darling boy. She... had a nightmare herself."

"Why don't I think that is the truth?" Eir murmured, loud enough for Loki to hear, but low enough that Selig didn't.

"Good. I don't like when Mommy gets sick."

Loki grinned and smoothed Selig's hair away from his forehead. "She isn't. I promise you, she isn't."

Eir glanced over at Loki and smiled again as she continued manipulating the webbing, which appeared to show Selig's inner workings. She frowned and looked down at Selig. "I'm afraid it is your appendix, love," she said softly. "We'll have to remove it."

Selig jerked back toward Loki, his eyes even wider. "Remove it?"

"It's all right, darling boy," Loki assured him with a smile. "Right, Eir?"

She nodded. "It's fairly simple, Selig. You'll have to stay here tonight, but tomorrow you should be able to go back to Midgard."

Selig looked from her to Loki and back. "Will it hurt?"

She shook her head. "No. You will be asleep the entire time and when you wake up, I will make certain you have medicine to keep it from hurting." Her eyes flicked to Loki. "And Daddy can stay with you the entire time, if you wish."

Selig turned to Loki. "Will you stay, Daddy?"

Loki nodded. "Of course." He gave Selig's hand a gentle squeeze. "And I'm sure Mommy will as well."

Eir's smile faded. "I don't think we should wait until the princess arrives, Loki."

Loki's gut twisted slightly. "Why?"

"I just think it would be best if we removed it as soon as possible."

"Daddy? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Sel." He eased his hand free and patted Selig through the webbing. "I just need to speak with Eir a moment, darling boy. I'll be right back."

He rose from the stool and caught Eir by the elbow to steer her out of Selig's earshot. "What's the matter?"

She faced him, her eyes still serene. "His appendix is very inflamed, Loki, and if we wait for Princess McKenna, I'm afraid it might rupture and that makes it far more serious."

He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. "Are you certain?"

She shook her head. "Not one hundred per cent certain, no, but based on what I do know, it is a distinct possibility.

Loki glanced over at Selig, who was looking a little green again. "I know McKenna would say do what you must, but part of me thinks she would want to talk to him before he goes to sleep."

"Loki," Eir's hand curved over his forearm, "we both know she would not risk making Selig sicker. What would she say to you?"

He offered up a sheepish grin. "She would say, 'Don't be stupid, Jötunn. I trust Eir and I trust her judgment.'" He looked up at her. "So, if you think we shouldn't wait, let's not wait."

She nodded. "I think we shouldn't wait."

"Very well." He moved back to his stool and caught Selig's hand once more. "You still with us, little man?"

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