"Sorry is a generous word, and I'm not generous,"


"You wasted your time, just go,"

"Please, you have to understand-,"



"The blonde is kinda hot,"

"Excuse me?" Sero remarks while spitting out the tea he just drank.

We both observed the blonde and brunette pair wrestle for control of the piping bag used to apply the cookie icing.

"What? I simply stated the blonde is hot, you know, the blonde prancing around with Ura," I reply while sipping my water.

"All right, let's go for a walk before I go crazy," In response, he stands up, pushes his chair in, and grabs my wrist.

I knew he was implying he was going to say something that was between us two alone.

"I'm just suggesting I might have a thing for blondes with spiky-looking hair," I remark as we wait in the elevator.

"You've only been at UA for a week, you're not in the same department as him, and you don't even sit with him during lunch hour. How can you tell me you have feelings for him?" He sighs "After you,"

"Thank you, but you're incorrect. I see him more than enough to understand I have a thing for blondes. One, I've been in UA for a month, well over. Secondly, the makeup and clothing departments work together way more than you would think. Lastly," I pause thinking of a reason, "Never mind the third point. I just know I'm into blondes," I say.

"Shoto. Are you sure about this?" He asks.

"Hanta, I know how to t-,"

He finally says what he needed to.

"No. No. You don't know how to take care of yourself. The last time when you liked someone it absolutely destroyed you. So, no, you do not know how to take care of yourself," He states, angrily. "Why do you do this? Shoto, answer me, why??"

The silence was loud, and I could only focus on how snow felt against my hands.

"Snow is falling finally," I say weakly, ignoring his comment. "It's September, kind of expected," He replies.

I never knew silence could be loud.

"You're right, sorry,"

"Oh, sorry, continue,"
"Oh, sorry, continue,"


We stare at each other, waiting for someone to start.


"God, we need to stop talking,"
"We need to stop talking,"

He sighs while I let out a chuckle, 'Sign instead?' I signed. He nods and starts signing. 'Sorry Roki, I know you hate when I'm "overprotective", even though I totally am not.'

'In all honesty, it is my fault, I do tend to-' "No."

'What?' "I said No," He repeats.

"Oh, why no? Throughout my entire life, it's been my fault-" I receive a glare.

"Been my...misunderstanding?" I say in question, receiving a simple nod.

"It's been my misunderstanding on how to process emotions, because of the obvious, so I don't know how to handle them as well as you, or Uraraka can. I can take care of myself, but only with help, but without help, bad habits come out of it, as you know," I say, in reference to what happened last time.

"This "last time" was just 3 or 4 months ago, can't you wait at least a bit," He sighs.

"Unfortunately, my heart and my dick both like him,"


"Not really unfortunate if you ask me," I mumble

"You need a non-monotoned voice, you know that?" He says, looking embarrassed.

"Plus you never say words like dick, so stop saying it,"

I ignore his comment and keep gushing over this stupid blonde, who will never like me.

"He likes orange, explosions, working out, and spicy food," I say.

"And how on earth did you find that out?" He says, almost regretting the decision already.

"Orange, because he never lets his partner pick another color when both departments work together.

Explosions, because he loves loud things and has like three grenade keychains, a sticker of an explosion on his phone, and his little signature on sketches is a tiny explosion.

Working out, because I have accidentally walked in on him working out at least 5 times this week, alone. It's only Tuesday.

Spicy food, because he always has a bag of spicy chips and always has hot sauce packets with him.

Anything else you need to know?"

"I forget how you can observe literally anything and make it related to anything." He says.

"Such a good skill to pick up from my household, use it often," I say


I'm sick. god I hope I get better.

only around 730 words not that long

stay out of trouble <3

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