Chapter 3

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Killa *^*

*2 weeks later*

Anastasia POV

It's been good living with Antwon ,He is sweet and cares for me , we have been out shopping like 10 times and he buys me everything I want. When we go shopping sometimes , girls give me dirty looks and I usually end up going home crying about it. I am really sensitive and I do need to toughen up because I'll probably never get friends.
After that night I decided that I should sleep in my room and that is how it has been for the past two weeks. I've met a couple other of Antwon's close friends : Killa , Camz , Tahj, Lenroy and Ricky. They have said that I need to speak more, I do think I do. I'm on my bed listening to music. Antwon has introduced me to some really good rappers such as Lil jojo and L'a Capone (A'N: R.I.P Lil Jojo And L'A Capone. My two husbands)
Antwon walked in and put a white summer dress with white red bottoms and a beautiful white purse on my bed.
"Asia , Put on these clothes be ready in 1hr, I'm taking you out."
I stood up and said "Antwon , You gave done enough you don-"
He cut me off and said "I don't care I'm gonna spoil you and give you everything you need and want , now go get dressed" He walked out.
I went into the bathroom and freshened up. I walked into my room and creamed my body and put on my white matching lace underwear. I put on the things that Antwon brought up stairs , I put on some clear lip gloss and looked in the mirror and sighed. "He must be real desperate to want me." I grabbed my purse and put my lip gloss , phone , white Ray bans and my earphones. I skipped downstairs and saw Antwon sitting on the sofa wearing Black True Religions and a white and black Ralph Lauren shirt with his plain black Jordans. He looked so nice OMG.

Antwon POV

Asia looked beautiful , well today I'm going to take her out to a restaurant , I've bought the restaurant and got a live band to sing to her. Tonight is gonna be excellent and tonight I'm gonna finally make her mines. I don't care what anyone says.
"You look beautiful , Asia" She looked down and started fiddling with her fingers , I picked up her head and looked into her eyes.
"Anastasia Diamond Lewis , You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. Stop trying to find ugliness in you because there is none there. Next time you look in the mirror , smile and say 'I am Beautiful' Do you hear me?"
"Yes Antwon. I'm sorry , It's that in high school girls call me ugly and thats why I don't have any friends. My mum kicked me out because she said that She was gonna sell my body and I refused. That woman has a real drug addict. Thank you for everything Antwon I really Mean it."

I grabbed her hand and got into my blue Audi r8 spyder. We drove into the car park of the restaurant , she looked kinda confused.
"Antwon , I think it is closed "
"Dw Ma I know what's going on" I smiled and we walked in the waiter , gave me and showed us to our table she laid down two menu's on the round decorated table. I saw Asia smiling and she looked so happy. We sat down and she said "Antwon , You are actually so amazing."
"I know Ma " I said chuckling. I ordered a shrimp and lemon plate for me and Asia , She ordered a chicken stew with a side of white rice , I ordered a rack of lamb with white rice on the side. We got are food and ate it while exchanging small talk.
I looked to my side to see somebody staring a hole in the back of Asia's head , he was an average height light skin dude , with curly hair was the person who came to collect our bill.
"Hey Ma , You real cute" He said looking at me smirking.
"Oh , Thanks " She said looking down
"Can I have your number?"
I got real angry at this point , I looked at him my fists balled up , cussing under my breath.
"Umm Sure" She wrote it down on a napkin , he collected the money as well as the number, smirked and walked away.

I stood up and walked the car ,throwing my chair on the floor in the process. I stepped in my car and kissed my teeth
She was walking to the car and I drove off. Fuck her man.

Anastasia POV

He drove away.

I sat on the step and cried until the boy that approached me at the table came and offered to drop me home. I looked at him and saw he was quite familiar.

"Shawn? Is it really you?" I asked him. Shawn was my bestfriend from middle school days ,then he went to a different high school to me.
"Took you long enough dummy head" He said as he chuckled.
"Ummm... Can I go home with you ? I am kinda scared to go home."
"Alright" He said doing a three point turn in the middle of the road

We got to his house and it was a small 3 bedroom condo , he lead me to the guest room and gave me a T-shirt to sleep in.

"Thanks , Shawn bear." As I kissed his cheek.
"Don't stress it dummy head" and with that he walked out the room.

*Next Morning*

I woke to 7 missed calls and 8 texts from Antwon.

Text Mode.

Antwon: Where you?
I'm sorry for leaving you.
Are you ignoring me?
Stop playing
I'm sorry
I don't even care you're not my girl anyways.

The last one hurt but I had to toughen up.

Anastasia: I'll be down to pick up my stuff later.

I threw my phone on the side and sighed.
Just my luck

-versaceshaquila 👄👀

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