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'Don't forget who you are.'

I woke up, I wasn't sure where I was but I knew I was in a bed this time. I slowly got up, the bed creaked as I did so, I noticed my surroundings and realized it resembled a cottage of some sort.

I stepped out of the bed and saw some clothes set aside on a short table beside the door, they seemed dirty but I really can't complain, I mean I have something to wear this time don't I?

I got dressed and slowly opened the curtain on the window, I saw more cottages around the one I was in. A village, everyone seemed to be cheerful and welcoming, maybe I'd fit in here. 

I paced around while I tried to get my thoughts straight. 'There has to be a reason I'm here, it's too good to be true.' I mumbled to myself, I need to help but what do they need help with? They all seem fine on the outside. I sighed and slowly opened the door to my room, there was food on a table and a note, it seemed to have been written with care.

'Hey! The food on the table is for you
don't worry about doing the dishes I'll do them
once I'm back! I'm at the market again
and you should come by whenever you're up!
See you soon kiddo!'
~ Dad'

I sigh once I finished reading 'So this is what they need help with then?' I say as I grab the plate with an egg off the table, I eat the egg in one bite and I grab the bag off the chair assuming it's for me, I hurl it over my shoulder and walk out the door.

I walked through the village with caution, I was worried about being suddenly attacked or something stupid like that. I felt so many eyes on me, it was unsettling, it felt like someone was watching my every damn move but there was no one around. I tried to shrug it off but I couldn't help but let it get to me. It didn't help with my focus but I had to let it go. I notice a small open market with many little stalls, I see someone waving at me. 'Is that my father?' I thought to myself silently, I walked up to the stall.

'Heya kiddo! You slept in a little later than usual today!' He said to me, I slowly nodded because I really wasn't sure how to respond. He told me to go behind the stall and help him sell the fruit, I go behind the stall and bend over to put my bag down.

I put my bag under the stall and I started to stand up, I noticed someone had came to the stall and I caught a glance, we make eye contact. I felt my face get warm and my heart started pounding, 'what the hell?' I thought to myself. He smiled at me and I tried to brush off the fact that I knew how red I was. 'What is this stupid feeling?' I thought 'I haven't said a word to him and-' He broke the silence. 'Hello! I'd like you to help me carry some apples back to my house.'

 He was so pretty, his hair was long and dark, his eyes were a stunning like flames, maybe a golden red like amber stones, his skin looked soft and he was glowing. He noticed me admiring him, he smiled and said 'My name is Nicolas by the way, now may I get that help or will you just keep staring into my eyes?' I felt my face go as red at the apples he asked for, I quickly nodded and gathered some apples for him. There were two crates, I took one and Nicolas took the other, he stood so close, my heart was in my throat.

'So, what's your name?' I choked up immediately, I didn't know what to say, it was almost like I had forgotten my own name. 'Karl.' I mumbled under my breath, I noticed he seemed confused as if he didn't hear what I had said despite this however he still smiled, he turned away to face in front of us. 'I understand if you don't want to speak, it's sort of weird to just talk to a stranger like me when you're just around to help-' I cut him off. 'I said my name was Karl.' I notice from the corner of my eye that he had turned around and looked at me, sort of shocked. I brushed it off as we continued to walk. 

After a few minutes we had walked toward a castle, I was confused why we had went there but I didn't ask any questions. 'Here's the place!' He said in a very cheerful tone. I was so confused, was he the prince? As we walked up to the castle there were soldiers by the drawbridge that bowed to him as we walked past. Who is this man? We walked inside of the castle, a soldier came up to Nicolas, 'Lord, there are some demands that the towns-folk are waiting for your approval on.' He glances toward me, I noticed his gaze seemed to have become slightly tense. 'I will come over once I am done here.' He gestured toward me, the soldier nodded and walked away. He told me to follow him into a side room, alone.

We had stepped into the room, he closed the door behind us, I turned away and put the crate down and as I did so I heard the door lock behind me. I turned around quickly, he was still there, he went around me and put the crate of apples he had on top of mine. He turned to look at me, when he did, his gaze softened; he seemed to have calmed down. 'I actually don't need the apples.' He told me, I was shocked, offended even. I had walked so long carrying the crate for him to tell me he didn't need it?! How rude. 'I actually only wanted you.' Oh? I looked at him baffled, his face turned a light red, it was sort of adorable. 'I had seen you around a lot working at the fruit stand and I thought you were very charming.' I smiled like an idiot, I couldn't help it, he looked so stupidly cute while trying to tell me how he had felt. 'I wanted to get to know you more and-' He was interrupted by banging on the door, we both turned startled, yelling and running could be heard from outside. 

'LORD, THEY ARE HERE! THEY ARE ATTACKING THE KINGDOM.' The solider yelled. Nicolas turned toward me 'We can continue this conversation later, you need to stay here so you can stay safe.' I looked at him with an astounded look then rolled my eyes. 'No, I'll fight, I can help you.' There was a sword on the wall in the room we were in, a storage room I suppose. 'Don't underestimate me, I can definitely fight, I used to practice with D҉̓̎͗r҉̵҉̋ͦ̆e̵͝͞a҉̂̃̑m̴̵҉̸͗͌ .' What? What did I just say, I don't know what noise just came out of my own mouth. 'What?' He said opening the door, seemed just as confused as I was. 'Nevermind.' I said trying to brush it off. 'Okay,' he said 'please be careful though, Karl.' I nodded and we both put on pieces of armor and took some shields as well as guns. We walked out of the castle.  

Buildings were on fire, in the distance I saw the fruit stand I had been working at less than an hour ago engulfed in flames. I couldn't help but feel my heart ache, I couldn't help but wonder 'is my dad okay?'  Soldiers and nurses ran past us from both directions, the sky was red, there were so many loud noises and it made me anxious. Why am I like this? I've been through one too many wars to be like this. Nicolas looks at me with a determined look, I gave him a nod of approval. We both run in, I attack soldiers from the opposing side as Nicolas is right by my side doing the same, damn he's stunning. Every soldier we fought we won against, we were unstoppable. Dodging every attack that came out way, bullets flew over our heads and we ducked. We hid behind a barrier, he looked at me and smirked 'Interesting first date isn't it?' I rolled my eyes and smiled, I moved from the barrier and kept on fighting. What felt like hours when in reality it was only a few minutes we had defeated every soldier we could. With the help from others of course, Nicolas smiled and turned to look at me, I smiled and looked at him. 'You did amazing! You're so strong!' I smiled and turned a light red.

 As he started walking toward me there was a gunshot. I turned forward, I couldn't see where it came from, I turned back to him, I watched him fall toward the ground. 'HOLY SHIT.' I ran toward him, I grabbed him before he hit the ground. He smiled at me, how could he be such an idiot in a moment like this?! I felt warm tears run down my face, why am I crying? I barely know him, yet I feel so close to him, why do I feel like I've known him my entire life? 'I'm sorry, Karl.' he said to me. 'Don't be sorry.' I was choking while I spoke. A tear ran down his face, I can't do this again. 'Hopefully we meet again in another life.' he said to me softly, I watched his smile fade. I started bawling, I was choking and I couldn't breathe, over a man I just met. I could barely see anything around me. I held him close as I sobbed into his shirt. I heard footsteps, I turned up and it was an opposing soldier, he put a gun to my forehead.

I fell asleep.

It always ends the same. ~ C!Karl Fanfic :DWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu