20.~the end ~

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It was a Sunday and Y/n was getting ready to go over at Shubman's place
She wore blue jeans and a white shirt and did little makeup
She wore her white shoes and took her bag and got out of the house
It was 11am right now
Shubman was taking her out for lunch and they were going to spend the rest of the day together
She reached downstairs and texted Shubman that she was coming
He asked her to wait there as he was going to pick her up
She waited for about 5 mins when a car approached her
The windows rolled down revealing a very charming Shubman dressed in black
He got out of the car and smiled at her before pecking her lips
He opened the car door for her and she sat inside and he went to the driver's seat and sat inside before pecking her again.
He started driving towards where he was taking her
The radio was switched on
And a very romantic song Rozana was playing
Shubman looked at Y/n and smiled and she did the same
Shubman kept his one hand on Y/n's lap and the other was on the steering wheel
Both of them enjoyed each other's company and spent a lot of time with each other
Shubman stopped after a hour of driving
They stopped infront of a hotel and got out of the car
"You should have told me we are going somewhere fancy I'm not exactly dressed for this place"Y/n said pointing at her outfit
"Oh come on you look like an angel let's go inside now" Shubman said and Y/n blushed following him inside
He held her hand the whole time from walking away from the car to the point when they sat in the chairs at their table
They ordered their dishes and talked in order to pass time
"Btw thank you for coming to the wedding it meant a lot "y/n said
"Oh come on i came there to see you so dont thank me it was a selfish deed"Shubman said shrugging
"Mom really enjoyed your company"y/n said and Shubman blushed
"I enjoyed her company too she is really sweet just like you" he said taking her hand which was on the table
They both smiled at each other and stared at each other's eyes
Their food arrived and they started eating
After that they went on the beach to spend some time together
Both of them were sitting on the sand making sand castles
They were sitting not too close to the water in order to keep their clothes dry
But suddenly a huge wave came ruining their sand castle and wetting them
"Pch our house is gone*"Y/n said sadly
"Well my home isnt " he said looking at her meaning that she was his home
She smiled at him
They both found themselves lucky to be with each other and if it weren't for them they would have been busy with their work and probably won't live in the moment and he worried about the future
But with each other they learnt how to live in the present and not worry too much about the future
"Y/n i need to take you somewhere " Shubman said holding her hand
It was like a reflex now
Everytime she was around his hand automatically held hers as if it was a puzzle piece that felt incomplete without her
She didn't ask any questions and got up fixing her dress
They walked towards the shack and she saw a very green area
And a bed covered with white blanket with a table in between
The trees surrounded the area
It was decorated by fairy lights all over the shack
"This is so beautiful" she said smiling and hugging Shubman who was busy looking at her
He loved it when she smiled and when she was happy
He wanted to be there for her all the time to have her with him all the time
He knew marriage was a very serious topic and maybe it was too early for the both of them
But he knew that if he was going to marry anyone it was going to be this woman who smiled at everyone with kindness
Who helped everyone and anyone in need
Who smiled and looked at him as if he was her everything
The girl with whom he fell in love with
He fell so hard but it didn't hurt him it only made him learn how to fly
He hugged her back and took her and sat on the white mattress
"Y/n i wanna ask you something" he said and she looked at him
Her round beautiful eyes looked at his eyes and he couldn't help but smile at how beautiful and cute she looked
He kissed her and cleared his throat
"It has been more than 3 months since I met you "he said and y/n kept looking at him nervous to what he had to ask her
"And ever since i saw you ever since we started dating i have never been happier
Every moment with you feels like I'm on cloud9" he said and both of them chuckled
"You loved me your entire life and in just a few months i did nt just fall in love with you but you became my entire life and "he said and a tear rolled down her eyes he wiped it away
"I love you for loving me so hard that every freaking second of my life i feel happy,i love you for being you , i love you because it is you "he said
,his eyes getting watery
"Shubman I -" she started to speak but he interrupted
"No please let me finish first "
"It took me a long time to build up the courage to ask you this " he said chuckling
"Y/n would you do me a favour by moving in with me ?" He said waiting for her to answer
"Yes"she replied and he kissed her
In that moment it wasn't a oassuo8or rought kiss that was most of the time filled with lust
But it was a kiss filled with love it was slow , and careful yet free
They pulled away and looked in each other's eyes
"Shubman what about my parents?" Y/n said and he smiled
"It is not going to be easy i know but no matter what happens I'll be with you I'll help you talk to them "
Shubman said
"It doesn't have to be right away but i just wanted to ask you to know if you were on the same page as me " Shubman said and she nodded
"Oh honey ,we are going to be  in the same book on the same page and on the same line for a long time "Y/n said trying her best to match his romantic level
"Forever*"he said correcting her
They kissed again and laid down
"I guess that is the most romantic thing I have ever said to someone"Y/n said
"Exactly even i was taken aback because of how romantic it was" Shubman said and they both chuckled before smiling at the sky
Thanking God
Thanking the Universe for the fact that they have each other
For falling in love with each other
For everything
"I know how to play most of the shots amazingly but my favourite one is you by that what i mean is my favourite shot is the fact that i laid my eyes on you
It was the perfect shot not a cricket one but of my life " Shubman said and looked at her worried because he wasn't sure if she understood what he was trying to say
"Favourite shot means pick like we both picked each other it was my favourite shot did you not get it?"Shubman asked her and she smiled at his innocence before saying
"I understood it Shubman and i have to say What a Shot !"

      The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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