Guest bedroom 2

Guest 1 bathroom

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Guest 1 bathroom

Guest 2 bathroom

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Guest 2 bathroom

Guest 2 bathroom

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Master bedroom

Master bathroom

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Master bathroom

Master bathroom

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Theater room

Fatima and Zac showed them around and made their way back into the front room Chippy: This is a lovely home Fatima: thanks mom LC: so Zac Taylor right ? Zac: yes sir Chippy : your do real estate right Zac: yess Mrs Duncan Chippy smiles Zac : how d...

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Fatima and Zac showed them around and made their way back into the front room
Chippy: This is a lovely home
Fatima: thanks mom
LC: so Zac Taylor right ?
Zac: yes sir
Chippy : your do real estate right
Zac: yess Mrs Duncan
Chippy smiles
Zac : how do you know that we just met?
LC: Son
Chippy: NO honey I have this it's not a place on this earth that I don't know what my kids are doing or who they are doing
Fatima and Zac both look at each other
Chippy : Me and my daughter don't talk everyday but I know what time she pulls in this driveway
Fatima: DAD !!!!!
LC: Chippy that's enough dear , Zac tell me how you met my daughter
Zac: I met Fatima when I went to this meeting at chainbrakers it was a program for ex cons
Chippy: oooh so you was in jail
Zac : yes I was a couple of months before I met Fatima
LC: chippy let the man Finish honey go head son
Zac: yes sir as I was saying I met her at the program, she hit me with her car went out on a date and we have been locked in every since
Chippy: What was different about my daughter than the rest of the woman you had in your life
Zac: Fatima was my light in a dark place she made me want to grind harder than first thing she told me was I had potential I never had a woman speak life into me I just want to love her and protect and provide for her as long as I  am breathing
Chippy: DAMN LC I like him
LC: he's ok with me but son it's some things you need to know i don't play about any of my kids especially my daughters I'll kill you and wouldn't think twice about it
Zac: You would never have to worry about that I love your daughter with everything in me it's not a idea I think of that I don't run pass her I trust her judgment
LC: Never make a promise you can't keep
Zac : Oh I didn't sir I'll take your gun and shoot my damn self if I fuck up with her
Chippy: I fucking like him
Zac : How long will you guys be in Atl we can go out to dinner or I can call my chef and he can come cook here
Fatima: Oh babe my parents never stay long it's more of a check in
Chippy: Actually we would love to have dinner
Fatima looked at her mother and father in confusion they Never stay more than a hour FUCCCCK Fatima thought
Zac: We'll great I'll give him a call now are you guys allergic to any kind of food beside Fatima
LC and chippy both said no
Fatima : mom dad would you excuse me for a moment make yourselves comfortable
Fatima ran up stairs to call Paris
Paris : Hello
Fatima: Why the hell did mom and dad choose to stay for dinner
Paris : Whaaaaaaat Fatima omgggg our parents want to spend more time with you they are trying to kill you
Fatima: Very funny I'm serious mom already was being her with zac why the hell you didn't come again
Paris : I told you I have family business to handle
Fatima: fuccccck I need a drink
Paris : love you I got to go Fatima put your big girls pants on it's ok
Fatima: love you yum come see me soon you have to meet Zac
Paris : ok I will I'm call you later maybe later this week I'll let you know
Fatima: ok love you
After Fatima hung up the phone with her sister Fatima just sat there in her thoughts Fatima never understood why her mom was so hard on her she sometimes as though she was a failure in her mothers eyes Fatima loved her mother and would kill behind her but Fatima just wanted to be seen
Zac: Babe you ok ?
Fatima: Yeah I just got off the phone with my sister Paris she coming to see us soon
Zac: that's crazy your parents just said you was up here talking to her and that's exactly what you was doing ok I can't wait to meet her come on babe that chef should be here soon
Zac Kisses Fatima and smacks her ass and tell her we got this, they heading downstairs and talked until the chef came and while he was preparing the food that just sat and talked
Fatima : Mom Dad the food is ready
LC and chippy headed to the dining room where Fatima and Zac was at and Zac lead with prayer , after prayer Zac wanted to know about Fatima as a child
Chippy: Fatima was a very great baby she was quite, I'll call her my storm because she's very still but will shake a place up real quick
LC: she gets that from you
Chippy : Ole LC hush honey , Fatima is the the oldest girl she seen a lot of things a kid her age shouldn't have seen she was very tuff , times where her father and I was away Fatima was the mother she had a lot of responsibilities as a child she grew before her time Fatima I did come here for a check in but I also came here because I wanted you to know I love you and I'm sorry honey I put a lot on you I knew you was never going to be in our lifestyle before you knew and that's because our lifestyle always had us gone , always had us looking over our shoulders I'm very proud of the life you made here, your relationship, and your career
Fatima was shocked that's all she wanted to hear from her mother Zac rubbed Fatima back he seen that she was about to cry
Fatima: MOM I love you too , I always thought I was a failure in your eyes because I didn't follow in you guys path just because I didn't follow the path don't take away the things I know , I learned from the best
Fatima knew everything there was about a gun , how to read a room , how to be unseen but seen , Fatima had no clue that her man was her father and she was his chippy
Chippy : A failure god no honey look around you did it and you are doing it well
Fatima: Thank you
Fatima zac and her parents finished eating they continue talking Fatima's parents ending up spending a night and decided to leave early in the morning Fatima and Zac headed up stairs
Zac: Babe I'm so proud of you for having the tuff conversation
Fatima: awe thanks babe I'm really glad my mom open up she always so tuff
Zac: You are just like her babe how about this you know my family background and not saying your family is like mines but you and your mother relationship is important to me we can go look at homes out there or we make a schedule visit every month to go spend time with them
Fatima: BABE what did I do to get so lucky
Zac: NO I'm the lucky one I love you tima
Fatima: I love you Mr Taylor
Zac: keep saying my name like that and you will get bent over real quick you know you loud
Fatima: aha yeah let's head to bed cause I'm not fucking in the house while my parents are here, loud last time I check you was the loud one FUCCCCK TIMA remember that yeah
Zac laughed him and Fatima both took a shower and heading to bed

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