Chapter 12 - Good Vibrations

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Before Matt even finished his sandwich Abby gave him a business card with her personal phone number and offered him a janitor job at the hospital. Ensuring that the pay would be at the same level as everyone else at the starting janitor level regardless of age at the start of employment. Explaining that if he decides to work with them, they also have free daycare for any of his siblings if it's needed and family medical assistance for his mother. The boy was almost beside himself while Abby called his mother to relay the job offer, needing her consent since he was underage. Explaining he would only need to work part-time after school and on the weekends so he can focus on his schoolwork.

"Wait until Bev hears about this." A nurse chortles standing to go check on a patient.

"Those kids will be well fed, and that boy will have a medical school scholarship before he even graduates high school... you watch." An x-ray tech cackles in agreement.

When the kid finishes eating, he looks like a ton of bricks have been lifted off his shoulders. Walking with a pep in his step instead of the heavily burdened trudge he came in with.

"I have never been so excited to be fired before." Matt exhales in wonder, erupting the nurses' station in laughter.

"Remember you are quitting. Not being fired. You walk in and say 'I have been offered a position at Polis General Hospital and I am formally resigning from my current position. It has been nice working for you.' Then just turn around and walk out." Abby coaches motherly.

"I quit... resign from my current position. It has been nice working for you, but I have been offered a position at Polis General Hospital I cannot pass up." Byron repeats back as Abby nods in approval.

"Then you go right back home and sleep. Catch up on your homework and I will see you next weekend." Abby instructs firmly.

"Yes Ma'am, Dr. Griffin." Matt promises.

"You keep your grades up and I might be able to pull a scholarship for you in college." Abby tells him. He grins wider while the X-ray tech turns to smirk at the other nurses with a 'told ya' look in her eye. Not that the chief is paying any attention as she stands to walk the boy out of the hospital.


With Abby now occupied with new employee paperwork and researching services that Matt's family can utilize to help them out, Clarke finds herself waking up unusually peacefully a couple hours later. Slowly letting herself rise to the surface instead of those many sudden jarring wake-ups she has become accustomed to lately. Finally starting to rouse, Clarke finds herself a bit confused to find her vision blocked by yellow paper. Stark blue eyes blink a bit and wiggles her nose at the funny feeling before it clicks home what that is. Reaching up, she snatches the post-it note off her forehead with a frown and skims the note quickly.

Lexa has a package at the front desk.



Clarke rolls her eyes and sighs as she slaps the note to the wall.

"Why can't she text like everyone else?" Clarke mumbles with a yawn as she stands to stretch before heading to the nurses' station. Arleen smirks at the bleary-eyed blonde and holds out the package for her. Earning a muttered retort from Clarke that Arleen is guessing stands for some form of a verbal thank you. Trudging back to their room, Clarke opens the door and finds two groggy green eyes looking over at her. It feels like a tidal wave of happiness crashes into Clarke's body as a smile instantly begins to grow across her pale face.

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