Chapter 11 - Boss Bitch Energy

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"Alrighty... x-rays look good. Rib fractures on the left side are still visible but showing signs of remodeling. Right tibia is doing wonderfully, too, but she will need physical therapy once it is healed. " Abby hums, walking into the room and putting the x-rays on the light box. Clarke stands and joins her as they both look at the scans.

"Told you they did a good job on that." Clarke nods in agreement as they examine the films in front of them.

"They did." Abby hums with a nod back. "And she is already responding well to the reduction of meds I began her on after lunch, too...," Abby continues, finger on her mouth as she studies the films for anything she could've missed. Clarke turns and looks at her mother, dumbfounded by this statement.

"Well, no fucking wonder she was able to fight me so much when I tried to stop reading!" Clarke mutters in disbelief at being told fucking nothing about this and only gets a subtle smirk from her mother, who is still deep in doctor mode.

"I am okay with beginning to slowly prep her for eventual discharge when she is comfortable. As long as she goes home with you to your townhome." Abby concludes, turning with a pointed look at her child.

"Like I would let her go anywhere else in this state," Clarke mutters back like it was obvious.

"Had to check to make sure. I would keep her here longer if she weren't going home with you." Abby admits without hesitation.

"I would, too, for the record. I don't trust her ass not to try something I tell her not to do." Clarke mutters in agreement, sending a snort of laughter out of Abby.

"Did she really try to play off like nothing was wrong like Deb told me she did?" Abby smirks curiously.

"Yep. Even tried to talk me out of it until we drugged her ass so she couldn't anymore." Clarke deadpans.

"God. Worse than your father was." Abby mutters in exasperation.

"I know, right!" Clarke exclaims in agreement.

"I can hear you...." Lexa groggily groans at them as they turn in amusement back at her.

"That's okay. You can't understand a word of it anyway." Clarke grins teasingly, earning a sleepy middle finger shot in her general direction since both Lexa's eyes are still closed.

"Sorry to wake you, honey. Your x-rays just came back and are looking great. So you can go ahead and go back to sleep now." Abby whispers, walking back over to Lexa and protectively pulling up the blankets, tucking the brunette in.

"Mmmm, 'kay..." Lexa mumbles and is already snoring before she can even finish her sentence. It has Clarke struggling to stifle her laughter and a firm smirk on Abby's face.

"I should call Indra...." Clarke thinks out loud, earning a glance of confusion from her mother. "Oh... that's the name of Lexa's assistant at Polis Power and Conservation... brought that big ass basket with the COO and VP or something." She explains with a yawn as Abby hums in recognition. "They are sorta like her family. Next of contact, I guess you could say... other than me." She shrugs with another yawn as she slumps on the couch next to Lexa.

"I'm her doctor today. Why don't you get some rest with Lexa, and I will update the family for you." Abby suggests watching another big yawn erupt from her kid's mouth that all but seals the deal.

"You sure?" Clarke asks, already kicking her shoes off as Abby hands the blankets to her kid.

"Mmhmm... done a thousand of these. Most never have a clue who I actually am anyway." Abby shrugs, earning a smirk from Clarke as she pulls her phone out to send her Mom the contact info.

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