Making Amends

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Cora shifted back again, leaving me before everyone around me. Everyone slowly began to quiet down and stopped fighting, looking at one another with remorse. Too much had been spilled already, and a lot of men and women had already lost their mates and family members.

And maybe...I should still be happy. Hope has finally been stopped from all her malice and killing spree. It should bring me joy because I am finally free of her, she won't be able to do any more harm to me or Tyler. She will never be able to hurt someone else, leaving unprotected packs, and killing innocent people, right?

But why do I suddenly feel so guilty?

"This isn't right," I whispered to myself, feeling a pang of guilt in my heart. "Emily, you can't feel guilty. There was no other way around this. She caused a lot of harm, she needed to be stopped." Amethyst says in a hushed tone, but I know she was feeling a bit guilty too.

"I didn't want Hope to die, I never meant to hurt anyone, it's not who I am."

"Your first kill is always like that, Em. Don't feel guilty for this bitch. She got what she deserved." Selene says, but I couldn't shed a tear for all that was happening. The adrenaline was already dying down, and guilt was covering my conscience from how many men Ty and I had killed already.

I closed my eyes, averting my head away. My hands, my feet, my face, EVERYTHING was covered in blood from so many lycans we had killed, along with the wolves that had been forced to join their pack. I felt so guilty.

They had no option but to fight, and for what? All for the greed of one single person. Her need for power and control had caused the lives of many innocent wolves who saw no other way out.

Wesley slowly lowers his body and begins to cry silently as he lifts Hope's body, hugging her against him. "I... I loved you with everything Hope. I would have conquered the world for you and left it at your feet if I could, but... I don't think that would have been enough for you still. You used me, you betrayed me and manipulated me at your will, and for what?" he says with anger in his voice. His voice horses as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"If you had just given us a fair chance. I would have swept you off your feet and taken you far from here with me. Given you the life of a queen and loved you more each day like you deserved to be loved. Nothing would have made me happier than to see you carrying my pups and starting a family with you... But it's... It's too late now." he adds making me feel miserable inside.

All he wanted was a life filled with love and joy. Just like Tyler had done for me. And I get it now... Why Wes did do all that Hope had asked him, he just wanted to make her happy. Just as Tyler had given up our love for my safety. To protect me, and make sure nothing bad ever happened to me.

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