I'm Coming For You, Bitch

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Third Person POV

For a moment, it seemed that the tables had turned. Harou had more members than they thought. Mainly because Hope had gotten Wesley to kill off the alpha from other packs around and had forced their members into her pack to make her daddy's pack bigger and stronger. Those who opposed were killed, tortured, or sent into slavery until their spirits were too broken and submitted into servitude for Hariu's pack.

Those who willing kneeled to salvage their lives and the lives of their families were forced to pledge their lives and loyalty to Hope and Harou's pack.

The more Tyler ripped through one lycan after the other, it seemed more swarming around him, coming out of every corner. He slammed one onto the wall, making the stoned wall break to pieces. He saw another coming, his canines gritting and ready to strike Tyler with his claws. The lycan tackled Ty, digging his claws onto Tyler's side, making him grunt in pain.

Tyler exposes his canines and bites him on his shoulder, making the lycan cry out in pain, alerting the other lycans to attack him. It was five against one, piling on top of one another on top of Tyler.

Tyler has no choice, but to let Asher out, making the lycans fly in thin air as Asher takes over. He growls in anger positioning himself to attack. The big black wolf stands with all his glory, menacingly, threatening to attack any moment. The Lycans return the threat with a growl, making Asher roar.

As soon as they launch themselves, so does he, ripping the head of one of them as soon as he is in near reach, making the body fall chest down and head flying through the air.

Asher rips through every one of them, ignoring the teeth and claws that rip through his skin. Bodies fall headless, dismembered arms and legs taint the walls with their blood, soaking Asher as well.

His body is getting tired, but there's no time to think. He needs to get to Emily.

Then...a loud blast is heard, and debris blasts through with heavy wind, making him close his eyes and turn his head slightly. His fur felt a shiver as the aura became too familiar.

His eyes widened and Asher leaps in excitement. "Emily!" he cries happily as she comes into view. He couldn't believe his eye's as he sees her aura in the shape of a bright red and orange phoenix, making him feel proud of his mate.

"You did it. You... You let your full powers out. Emily! You're so beautiful," Asher says, overjoyed.

"I did. Asher, I'm so glad to see you. I missed you so much." she says, kneeling and kissing Asher on the side of his nose.

Asher couldn't contain his joy as he feels the sparks of his mate's touch, making him warm as her lips touch his face. He quickly turns back into Tyler.

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