The Girl in the black dress

Start from the beginning

To the side of the bar was a small wooden dance floor beside a large piano that of course wasn't being used. But the floor was as right in the middle under the glow of the glass chandelier they stood. Benny having set his jacket and his hat on the back of a chair at a side table leaving him in his well-shined shoes, tight jeans, his belt even if it was on a little looser now than this morning, his green button down with his sleeves rolled to his elbows and unbuttoned as always, his hands had begun on her waist but had shifted to her hips and now loosely sat in the small of her back. She wore the same dress as this morning but her curls slowly falling loose, and some of her make-up disappeared from this morning, her handbag was on the table beside benny's jacket and hat, she had begun their dancing in her heels but they had since been removed and now hung from her fingers as her arms rested on Benny's shoulders and around his neck so her heels hung down his back. They were dancing. It began as almost a full waltz at the beginning of the night but has slowed and become the gentle swaying it now was. The two often smiling, giggling and muttering little things to each other inaudible to anyone but them, but you could tell they were chatting and talking from their changes and reactions. The music was low but still enough they could dance. 

I couldn't help watching them, feeling strange about it. I thought I wouldn't care and I don't but... seeing him with her, smiling, giggling, being so happy and playful. I'd never seen benny like that, I didn't think it was in his calculated chess brain's nature to be like that. I guess... he just wasn't with me. As they shifted for a moment she disappeared behind him and when the body came around the other side for a moment I saw myself in her place. Perhaps I would be if he had come to Moscow with me. But even if that might possibly make me happy, would Benny be so happy now if that's how things had been? I felt awful at that moment that my selfishness could Rob Benny of his happiness.

She gave his cheek a soft kiss, making him smile rubbing his nose against hers before capturing her lips in a kiss so much they both tightened their grips on each other as they kissed.

"We should get to bed," he told her

"One more song benny, please" she begs moving a hand down his chest

"One more song" he smiled taking her heels from her and sitting them on the floor beside the chair with his jacket and hat the two smiled and got closer so she could lay her head on his chest and he rested his chin on her head often pressing little kisses to her hair, and I smiled watching them it was so sweet and I did really feel happy for him. As they danced they turned in such a way that her back was to me and he looked up seeing me he moved a hand from her back to give me a little wave so I smiled and raised my glass back. And soon enough the song was over they gathered their things and came to the bar,

"You go on up I'll square up and be up in a sec," he told her she nodded giving him a kiss before she headed out and off towards the elevator as he paid up for the few drinks they had tonight

"She seems like a really nice girl"

He chuckled "she is."

"One more?" I offered

"Alright." He says sitting down on the stool beside me as I ordered each of us each a blue ribbon "you're still mad at me aren't you?"

"No. Not really?"

"You should see your face from this side Harmon"

"I'm not mad," I told him "just surprised is all"

"You don't like her. I take it?" He asks sipping his beer

"I met her this morning can't form an opinion that fast"

"Can't you?"

"She seems nice benny," I said sipping my drink

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