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      The dining hall was much louder than it had been in a long while, once more filled with long tables, this time five when including the head one instead of what had been the normal six to seat the unsorted students, and silverware clanked as people chatted nervously, both reuniting with their housemates and fearful for more terror to follow in the second half of the school year. 

Theo nodded at him as he entered, many eyes turning to stare at him as he did, mostly hostile ones. He had entered separate from the other Slytherins as he hadn't returned to the common room, something likely felt as especially mocking to the Gryffindors given the handful of Gryffindors who he had spotted scouring the halls as he made his way to the hall; that he had made it to the dining hall untouched showed that even the first year Slytherins could slip unseen from the gaze of the Gryffindors... and maybe even the Aurors.

He made his way to his usual spot at the Slytherin table unfazed by the looks- they couldn't attack him here, not without being stopped before inflicting any damage and severely punished for it, and the Gryffindors knew it too, it wasn't just the students after all, the teacher's were staring too- and claimed a seat next to a shaken Malfoy and Theo who was, shockingly, almost equally as nervous. Bulstrode and Weasley sat across from them, in slightly higher spirits and locked in debate. All the same, relief showed in their eyes at his appearance as well, and both brightened considerably at his arrival.

"Potter." Theo greeted, awkwardly waiting for Harry to speak even after they received another nod back in greeting. No, not entirely awkwardly, he realized. The other was nervous, but also expectant.

"Nott." Harry guessed at what they were getting at, apparently guessing correctly.

"Please, call me Theo," he said, the older Slytherins who had been paying some attention to the first year who dared to walk alone, something none of the Slytherins did these days, now all seemed to be paying attention with laser focus.

"Call me Harry." Harry guessed again what he was supposed to say, Theo subtly made a gesture for him to continue, "Theo."

Theo smiled in relief, and Harry returned the smile before turning his attention back to the food, Theo feeling relieved enough to join the duo across from them in conversation and Harry pointedly nudged Malfoy into joining as well.

          The school was hostile, or at least the Gryffindors and most of the Ravenclaws were, at the removal of Dumbeldore, but that wasn't much change from before the headmaster had left either. What had changed was that the Hufflepuffs, for the most part, were tentatively helpful. They watched the Slytherins, occasionally lending aid and inviting the Slytherins to join their conversations, the first years more so than most. Harry recognized the actions of cautiously reaching out, unsure whether the outsiders could be trusted or not. 

       It helped that even as many people returned, or left considering their position on Dumbeldore's removal, Hufflepuff held the largest numbers in the school.

         Either way, the first day back was fairly tolerable and as their last classes came to their end, Theo signaled Harry over, a little ways from the group, "Make sure to tell them that I was hit by a spell, okay?"

          "What are you planning?" Malfoy insisted, abruptly at their side, separating from where Bulstrode and Weasley  were distracted in conversation yet again. Harry couldn't blame him for joining the more interesting conversation.

          "It doesn't ma- actually it would be better if you came along too, the whole school knows at this point you follow Harry around like a lost puppy."

        "I do not!" Malfoy protested, pouting, "and why do you get to call him Harry and I don't...?" He glanced poutingly over at Harry.

         "Because I asked." Theo snorted, Malfoy glared at the retort before his head swung around again.

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