Mountain Side

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"And this is my son, Sebastian. Say hi Sebby, don't be rude." The red haired women said. I've only been in town for a day and I've already met a bunch of new people. The mayor, the lady who runs the farm shop or feed supply place, her niece and nephew. The blonde skater-boy and his family, the man who runs the local store and his family and now this lady, the carpenter and her son.

"Hi. I have work to do mom." The dark haired man said as he walked downstairs.

"Oh don't mind him. He's just shy. He'll come around."

"I'm not too worried, anyways, where were we?" I asked with a smile. We continued talking about house upgrades and farm buildings I'm barely listening. My mind is filled with nothing but her son. It's intoxicating. Robin, at least that's what I think she said her name was, and I finish up our conversation and we part ways.

I head out to my grandfathers farm and start getting to work. Planting crops, pulling overgrown grass, the works, really..

After a few hours I head back over to the mountains. I'm exhausted and I noticed a gorgeous clearing with a lake, perfect place to rest. It's about 6 PM do a few hours over there really shouldn't hurt. Now time for some peace and quiet.

I find myself back at the mountain side, make my way to the clearing a find a spot to rest. Maybe 30 minutes go by and I can here shuffling from behind me. I turn around would you look at it, Sebastian himself. The man I haven't been able to keep my mind off of. For what reason though? He's shy, a little quick to end a short lived conversation and he could practically be a vampire for all I know.

"Busy day?" He asks, sitting down next to me. Now we're both sitting, staring out at the sunset reflecting on the water. So much for peace and quiet.

"I guess so. And you?"

"Worked all day. It gets exhausting." I pull myself ever so slightly closer to him.

"And what is it that you do for work?" I ask.

"I'm.. a freelance programmer. Websites, games, you know.." he's getting red. "Why did you get closer?"

"So I could hear you better, of course."

"That makes.. sense, I think." And now he's flustered.

"Do you have anybody you like around here Sebastian?" I'm curious.

"Uhh, why the sudden personal question..?" I've shocked him. I scoot closer.

"I'm just trying to get to know you better, Sebastian."

"Well-" he drags that on.

"I see. Well, I should probably start heading back now." I said. We both get off the ground but before I walk off, I grab his hand.

"What're you doing?"

"In about 3 months, both of our skin cells will forget this little gesture ever happened, unless something happens before those 3 months are up. That's your call to make. Sleep well, Sebastian." With that, I've left him in the clearing.

Prompt ideas are greatly appreciated :)

Sebastian Fluff One Shots ~||~ Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now