Drunken Wandering

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"Can you slow down a bit? It's hard to keep up with you." Sebastian panted from behind me.

"Orrrr you're just slow!" I laughed.

"You're borderline running. And it's hot. How do you have this much energy?"

"I'm a farmer Seb. I run around all day as it is. I've built up stamna."

"You mean stamINa." Sebastian corrected.

"Yeah yeah whatever.. CAN WE GO TO THE BEECH??" I yelled out. I want to play in the water.

"I don't think we can go. You're intoxicated and I don't think the beach allows that. Willy is going to be upset if he finds out."

"Key word Sebby. IF."

And I took off. I headed past the bridge, over the sand and straight into the water. It was a mix between lukewarm and cold. It's refreshing.

"You're absolutely insane!" I head Sebastian yelled from the shore.

"I think it's healthy for you!" I yelled back.

"For me?!" Sebastian questioned.

I can hear the seagulls on the docks. They're loud, a little obnoxious to be honest.

"Why don't ya join me Sebastian?" I called out.

"I'm not properly dressed for that. I'm in a hoodie."

"Sounds like excuse. Take it off!"

He's debating. Then he takes it off as well as his shoes and socks. Now he's just in black jeans and a white tee. He slowly walks in.

"The waters cold though." He complained.

"It's not thaaat cold. Come on." I grabbed his arm once he was close enough and dragged him in. I fell in the water in the process.

"You've got to be kidding me." He said as I come back up to the water level laughing my ass off. I splashed him a few times with the water.

"Oh come on." He groaned.

"You're already in the water. Might as well." I said, still laughing.

"Fine then." And he tackles me. We both fall under the water and splash around a little before we go back up.

I'm seriously laughing my guts out basically.

"Hey! What're you two doing?!" Willy yelled from the shore.

"Just swimming Willy, don't worry!" Sebastian called out.

"I kind of have to worry about it. I was just about to take off to Ginger Island so I'm going to need you two out of the water until I take off. For safety reasons, you know?"

"Completely understandable. We'll be up in a second." Sebastian replied.

"Come on, we'be gotta head back up."

"But I don't want tooo." I pleaded.

"We'll come back in once Willy takes off."

I squatted down, my head barely over the water.

"Fine. Get run over by the boat and sucked into the propeller." Sebastian said and walked up to the shore.

"Wait! Wait I'm coming!" I got up and ran back up to the shore. I fell in the process a few times but I managed.

"Is she okay? She wobblin' a bit." Willy asked.

"Yeah, she's fine, just a little energetic." Sebastian replied.

"Right." Willy said, unconvinced.

I ran back towards the bridge back into town. "Bye Willy!!" I yelled out.

Sebastian POV

"Goodbye little lass. You better go after her before she gets herself hurt. And get her home before she has anything to really regret."

"Right, will do. My apologies." I said.

"Just don't let it happen again." Willy then walked to his boat.

I rushed past the bridge and found her sitting on the middle of the path.

"And what're you doing miss?" I bent over. Peering at her from above. She's sat criss-cross with her hair down. She's sitting in a salty puddle from the ocean.

"Sebbyy heyyy. I'm sooo tired." She's extremely exhausted.

"We have to get you back to your house."

"But my animals need food and my crops. I have to deal with them." She wined.

"I'll deal with them. Come on." I grabbed her and picked her off the ground and walked her back to her house. I put her to bed and dealt with her animals and crops.

I finished up about 20 minutes later and walked back to the mountains. I've sat myself at the lake to enjoy the sunset with a cigarette.

Prompt ideas are greatly appreciated :)

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