~Chapter 2~

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Two Days Later. . . 

Tommy laied on the bed he had woken up on, dull eyes looking out of the window as he sat in silence. Since he woke up, he hadn’t made any move to get out of bed, still processing the fact that those few weeks he had lived through were all something his mind had made up. It was all a dream. It was something that Tommy wished would become reality but couldn’t. He wouldn’t get his vengeance. He wouldn’t get to try and fix his family relationships. He would never get to see Wilbur again.

Wilbur was dead, and even if he wished he could bring his older brother back, he knew he couldn’t. His one wing moved behind him, stretching out and laying back down on his back. It made tears almost flood his eyes again. He had one wing, one useless wing that he had no use for anymore. His other one was chopped off by an axe, one that Dream held. He curled further into himself, his one wing acting as a shield from the outside world. He liked the make-believe dream his mind had conjured up, at least there he had both his wings gone. It was easier to accept with both gone. But now one remained, functional but useless on his back. 

Why did this have to be reality? He really preferred the other one, even if he had died in the end. At least he would have died happy. As his vision grew blurry, Tommy did nothing to wipe the tears away. It would do nothing anyways. New ones would replace the old ones, and Tommy would just have to repeat the action until his eyes grew dry. He doesn’t know how long he was sitting there before a knock sounded in the room. Tommy lifted his wing, looking towards the door with blurry vision, before going back to the curled-up pitiful state he was in originally.

Even though the avian never answered back, the door still opened. Someone entered the room, coming close to the bed before kneeling down. Blue eyes looked between Tommy’s wings, meeting his own tearful ones. Phil only sadly smiled, setting down a plate of food on his nightstand. 

“C’mon Tommy. You gotta eat something.” The bed dipped as the man sat on the edge. “You’re starving yourself. Techno’s getting worried about you.” A pause. “I’m worried about you.” Even though Philza’s voice only held calm and care, Tommy felt his heart twist and sour. He hissed, eyes narrowing at the other who only frowned at the other’s attitude. “Tommy-” Tommy flared open, almost hitting the older avian in the face as Tommy once again let out a horrid hiss. Philza had gone on edge from it, wings puffing up and opening in case the other blond decided to attack him. He watched the other, blue eyes watching the other tearful pair. Tommy had enough of him, of everything and everyone. More tears raked down his cheeks, his lips trembling as he forced himself to not start pathetically sobbing. 

“NO! Leave me alone! Let me die in peace!” Tommy could see the alarm in Philza’s eyes, his body going stiff as he looked toward the mess that was Tommy. It was silent for a long time, the teen only laying his head back down on to the bed to try and keep wallowing in his pain and sadness, only to have the older man grab his leg and yank him out of bed. Tommy slammed onto the floor, groaning at the pain it caused. He looked up, eyes glaring at the man above him. His own wings flared open as if daring Tommy to try and get up and fight him off. The teen knew it would be a long battle anyways.

Much like Tommy Philza’s wings had been damaged, and even if they were still healing, they looked as majestic and beautiful as he remembered from his childhood. He was sure soon that the blond would be able to soar through the clouds again. It was only a matter of time. Maybe that’s why jealousy grew in his stomach, making Tommy angrily glare at the other. “You’ve ruined my life, left me for dead! Why do you care all of the sudden, huh? You abandoned me, and then you just expect me to just welcome you with open arms or some shit?!” Tommy lifted himself off of the ground, his own one wing spreading out to try and intimidate the other. Philza watched, eyes cold and sad. 

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