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Technoblade stared at the bloody boy before him, blue eyes turning red as he stared at his wounded little brother. He looked close to death, chest barely rising and falling as he laid on the bloody ground, one wing chopped off and wound still flowing with blood, seeming to have no plan of stopping anytime. The area around them was destroyed, smoking with some small fires still crackling around them. It was a horrible scene, one that Techno was familiar with yet still felt the gaping pit of fear.

Tommy, his young little brother, layed face first in the grass, one wing ripped off, bloody, and looking too skinny for any teen actually to be. Technoblade knelt down, rolling the boy over to see the tear tracks still off his dirty face. If that small ragged sounds didn’t leave the boy's mouth, the piglin would have thought he was dead. The pinkette scooped the boy up carefully, not caring if his clothes got bloody, and quickly started his way back to his cabin. 

He didn’t know how long he had until the blond finally gave up on living, quickly fishing out a health potion to shove down the kid's throat. It didn’t take long for some results, minor cuts and bruises quickly disappearing from the boy's body. Well, that was a good sign. With a huff Techno got ready for the long walk home, wishing he had decided to bring his horse with him. 

~ + ~

Techno was stitching up Tommy’s horrid wound on his back, contemplating what to do from this moment on. What could he do? He wasn’t good at taking care of people, let alone a badly injured teen who was still not awake even hours after arriving at the cabin. Techno was worried and unsure of what to do, he didn’t even know if he was just overreacting and Tommy was just still resting and would wake up soon. But either way, as he finished stitching up the wound he pulled out of the communicator, sending a quick message to his father for help. With that he sat the device down, pulling a clean white shirt over the boy's scarred body, and then pulled the bed sheets up and over him.

He stared at the boy's face, seeing the few new scars that rested on his twisted expression. Even in sleep, Tommy looked scared, making Technoblade wonder why the teen seemed to feel that way all the time. Even during Pogtopia the blond had been on edge, seeming to be waiting for something to happen. Maybe that’s just how he had survived this long, always on edge and expecting the worst to happen. 

Technoblade never got to talk to Tommy much during Pogtopia, the boy barely leaving Wilbur’s side. He watched Tommy try and help Wilbur as best he could, forcing the man to eat, making the man go to bed when he was able to convince him to, telling Wilbur that they would get L’manburg back when he started going on a crazed tangent about blowing the country up. Tommy was determined to survive, something Techno had been proud of his little brother for. Tommy had tried to fight the world, and Technoblade knew if given the chance he’d take it on head first.

It was sad seeing the light drain from his eyes and face as Pogtopia progressed, still having that fighting spirit but looking as if he could give two shits if he ended up surviving in the end. He threw himself into situations he didn’t need to be in, and that worried Techno as well. He seemed to care very little about what happened to him, putting what Wilbur needed from him first and protecting his friends with both his fighting skills and his own body.

Maybe he had always been that way, but slowly he had only gotten worse to the point he’d die for those who needed it. He was like a blind soldier back then, following Wilbur’s orders with barely any questions. Only once had Tommy tried to stop Wilbur, and he had failed in his mission. 

He doesn’t know why Tommy would act that way, and maybe he wouldn’t know for sure ever, but he knew there were a lot of horrors present in Tommy’s life now. Even before he joined this SMP, he knew he had other negative experiences (them leaving being one of them). No one comes to a server like this and stays this long unless they do. Even if it seemed like a harmless SMP at first, only slowly becoming what it is. No one without any experience would live long in these conditions.

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