Chapter 24: Greasy Hands

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"All good, Mouse?"

You nod. "Yeah."

You're inside a dark building and there's an opening in front of you where a window used to be. Looking out into the immediate area you see two events happen in short order.

Fire billows into the air and there is a cacophony of noise that follows as the crew goes wild, and then it begins to rain. The sky opens and the rain is just heavy enough to obscure visibility.

"Rain's not going to do either side any favors." Kid growls.

"It's a boon for me." Law admits.

"Save your strength. You got one job from here on out." Kid reminds him.

Law nods and the three of you begin moving through the building. In the midst of the chaos of the crew going wild there were updates from Killer helping to guide Kid through the area. Trafalgar's fruit ability shifted the three of you one more time, and the second time was a lot easier to stomach than the first shift.

"Over there!" Someone yells outside and you weren't sure what had prompted it at first.

"How'd they get in there?!" The question hit your ears just before the sounds of items slamming into the wall nearest you.

Kid grabs you and tosses you deeper into the room and away from the wall just as it starts to give way. You arced through the air for a second before landing on a mattress. You had just enough weight and the framed had just enough rot that it shattered under you, but the battered mattress was stuffed with straw, and that was enough for a soft landing.

The amount of items slamming into the building was ripping away chunks of brick and plaster. Kid was repelling as much as he could, but a lot of what was directed at you wasn't metal.

"Bastard's either run out of weapons, or knows what he's up against." Kid says, his teeth nearly grinding. "Stay with the freak doc, Mouse." He commands taking off through one of the window openings. You can feel a tug at the sword in your hand, and can hear all the metal in the area getting pulled toward Eustass.

You and Law move in a way that lets you keep one eye out for Kid and one eye out for anything incoming. The doctor doesn't say much except to activate his ability. You can hear the rest of the crew over comms, though with Kid out and rampaging, there's not much to hear except for him.

The comms are calibrated well enough that they don't pick up the ear-shattering sounds of his metallic collection – you can hear that clearly enough even from several yards away – but Kid focuses his devil fruit powers verbally like most users do. Seeing how careful Law is with his ability, it's a little unsettling to see how nearly constant Eustass uses his own.

"Found him!" You heard Emma's voice on the comms and grab Law.

You and Eustass spoke at the same time.

"Take me there!"
"Don't move Mouse!"

You glared at Law for a second and when he didn't do anything you bolted toward the commotion. You were yelling as you ran, but it wasn't like you had a booming voice.

"I came here for this, don't you dare tell me to stay away!"

"That's not- MOUSE LOOK UP!" Eustass' voice takes on an edge of fear you hadn't heard from him before. You manage to look up and see a waterfall of items coming toward you. The torrent of items that had been hounding you the last few months was nothing compared to what you were seeing now.

It was like Decken was commanding the entire hilltop to bury you.

"I got her," Law says, and you feel the weightless feeling again as you're moved from the ground to a rooftop.

A Light Touch (Eustass X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu