Cliff's POV

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Cliff's POV

It feels like Lamarques been hiding sum for days na. I was worried about him. I wanted to know what was going on. But if he wanted to tell me he would have. I guess he will in his own time. I had to get my mind off of thinking the worst and him and Woddy was still in the kitchen so I decided to ask Keyshawn how last night wit her and her potential man went.

"Keyshawn you ain't never tell me how last night went."

"Uncle Clifford oh my God!!! Last night Woddy told me he wanna be with me for real. I was so happy I ain know what to do."

"It seem like you knew exactly what to do since y'all was up in that paradise room for over an hour" I said looking at her grinning. She just got nervous and smiled.

"Uncle Clifford... I'm so happy. I don finally got everything I ever wanted. Thank you for the advice. I'll be ya sister fa life" she said a giving me a hug and Lamarques and Woddy was walking back in the room. He looked spooked, but I knew he would tell me whatever was bothering him when he was ready so I ain wanna dwell on it I was just glad he was alright.

"Everythang good y'all?" Keyshawn asked both of them getting off the couch.

"Yeah, Key everythang good." Woddy said coming over to hug her.

"Y'all cute!" I said waving my nails in the air at both of them. They both just looked shy as heyell.

"We gon catch y'all later." Woddy said holding her hand walking out the front door.

"Bye y'all."

"Bye Keyshawnnnn don't do nun I wouldn't do." I said as they walked out the door. I looked back over at Lamarques and even Stevie wonder could tell sum was wrong wit him the way he was looking.

"Lil Murda, everythang alright baby?" Granmuva asked. See even she know sum up wit him.

"Yeah...Yeah Miss Ernestine. Everythang good. What y'all wanna do today?" He asked tryna change the subject. What is bothering him?

"Don't tell me you wanna take a ole bitch out! See Clifford I told you that's my man!" She said laughing and he was laughing right wit her.

"Ahh Granmuva! Well we bets go on and get dressed for whatever it is we doing today!" I said getting up off the couch.


He must've recognized my tone cause a bitch was bothered.

"Marques imma just go on upstairs and get showered and dressed."

"I'll come wit you."

"Na I'm good, you just help Granmuva up the stairs." I ain mean to give him the cold shoulder but I couldn't help it. Why don't he wanna tell me what's wrong.


"C'mon fa we be late." I ain even know where we was going I just knew I ain wanna look at him right na if he wasn't gon tell me what was bothering him.

Down in the Valley BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora