Chapter 42: Prepare To Fail

Start from the beginning

"And it doesn't make any sense." Levi added.

"Well, maybe they've just run out of good fighters?" Calvin suggested.

"What a great day, huh?" Sarah said. "The easiest fight, the easiest test."

"Oh shoot! Guys, we still need to study for tomorrow's math test." Preston said. All of us grabbed our bags and got ready to leave.

"Yeah, we want to be ready." Hayley said as we started to head out.

"Woah! You saw how easy the first test was." Sarah said stopping us. "The second one is going to be a breeze. I'm going to the movies, who's coming? Anyone?" We all just shook our heads. "Bella, come on! We don't need to study, it was so easy." I just let out a sigh and shook my head again.

"Guess you're on your own. We'll see you later." Brody told her.

"Bye, have fun studying." Sarah said as we left.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

Today is the day of the test. And I'm so nervous. "I don't know about this." I said as I opened my locker to put my helmet inside. Even though Levi and I had studied until midnight together at my place, I was still nervous. I've been stressing ever since I woke up. Why? I don't know, but I've been shaking with anxiety ever since. That was also the reason why Levi rode us to school on my motorcycle.

"Bell, relax." Levi told me as he closed his locker after putting his helmet away. He walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "We've studied to whole evening. You're more than ready." I let out a sigh as I closed my locker.

"Hey guys." I heard Hayley say as she and Calvin joined the two of us by my locker. "You ready?" I looked at her worriedly.

"We are." Levi said before I could answer. "But this girl thinks she's not while she knew ever answer to the questions last night."

"Oh, throw me under the bus, won't you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Bella, you say the same thing every time before making a test. And you always end up getting top grades." Calvin said as we walked towards the classroom. "Just calm down, you'll do great." I let out a sigh as I realized he was right. On our way, we met up with Brody, Preston and Sarah. We all took a seat and waited for Mrs. Finch to give us the tests.

"Okay, class. You've one hour to complete part two of you math test." Mrs. Finch told us as she passed the tests out. "No eating and no talking." I flipped through the test and noticed I knew how to answer most of the questions. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Uh, Mrs. Finch?" Sarah asked with a raised hand. 

"Yes, Sarah." Mrs. Finch said, walking over to her.

"I ah.. I think you gave me the wrong test." Sarah said, showing her the test.

"Uh, no, that's the right one." Mrs. Finch said while walking back



"Oh no." I heard Sarah mutter as she placed her hands in her hair.

"Okay class. You can begin." Mrs. Finch told us. I grabbed my pencil and started on the first question. Suddenly someone farted, and loudly might I add. We all turned towards the producer of the sound who turned out to be Monty. No surprise there, honestly.

"Oh, was that me?" Monty asked, playing innocent. "Sorry." Then Victor farted too.

"Ah, come on." I said as I covered my nose. If I didn't, I'm sure my breakfast would come out. It was disgusting.

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