Hit and Run.

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The group later on went out to eat together, laughing in the booth that they squeezed themselves into. "Admit it, Bakugo. I won that fight fair and square."

"No, you didn't. I just got bored." He replied annoyed. 

"More like you got scared."Ari replied, giggling. 

"Watch it, Lion King."

"Uh, Lion Queen. Get it right." Ari clapped back playfully. The other girls called the burn and Bakugo sat shaking his head. The restaurant they had picked was dark with color changing LED lights and black lights lighting up the area with a rainbow of color. "Okay, rematch." Bakugo took his now empty drinking cup, setting it upside down. "Hand me an ice cube." He told Kirishima who reached in his cup to hand it to him. He placed it on the table, the cup covering it. "Whoever touches the ice cube is out, anyone can lift the cup."

They all nodded and started to play, tapping the cup one by one until Bakugo snatched it up and Kirishima touched the wet cube. "AHH!" They all cheered. Kirishima was the first out and the second round commenced. They all started tapping the cup and Jiro picked up the cup, Bakugo almost touched the cube but he caught himself. They played again and again, Jiro was next out and then Ari. It was down to Mina and Bakugo. The others cheered Mina on as they tapped the cup and tried to fake each other out. It took about ten minutes for someone to finally lose and Mina unfortunately was the last one out. 

"WHO IS THE KING!" He shouted. 

"Keep it down, you hoodlums!" The manager yelled back. 

"You keep it down, old man! We're playing a game not throwing dishes!" Ari yelled back, everyone looked at her in surprise. She covered her mouth, startled herself at what she said. The manager approached them and they all scrambled to get their money out and bolt out the door. "That's what I thought!" He chased after them until they all were out of the restaurant. They all laughed as they ran down the street, "Ari that was bad ass!" Bakugo said. 

"Yeah, didn't think you had it in you." Jiro replied. 

"I'm teaching her good things." Bakugo said proudly as all of them hopped up onto the sidewalk. 

"Okay, the night is young, what shall we do ne-" Without warning, a car came speeding by, knocking Kirishima onto it's windshield. They all rushed to him as he fell to the pavement and the car started driving away. Ari's rage was unleashed and she morphed, running on all fours to get to the car that had hit her boyfriend. She finally leapt onto the hood of the car as it turned and she clawed at the metal to get to the driver. The vehicle swerved and slid, trying to get the lioness off the car but she didn't budge. She clawed open the top and the driver looked up at her, terrified of the sight before him. She roared in his face, causing him to slam on the breaks and get out of the car. "What were you trying to do, kill me?!" 

She merely growled and jumped off the car and advanced on him. "Ah, shit!" She chased him when he started running but he didn't get very far. She tackled him to the street and pinned him there. She could hear the footsteps of her friends behind her and they all saw the sight of Ari pinning the frightened man down. "Ari!" Kirishima cried out. 

She looked back at him, he was okay!

"Its alright, I hardened my body before I hit, the windshield." He reassured her. "I'm not hurt."

Bakugo and Mina came running up to her and, stooped down to see the driver, "Who are you?"

"I'm sorry, man. Look, this wasn't supposed to turn out this way-"

"What?!" Mina looked at Bakugo and Ari. "

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Bakugo made a phone sign away from the guy's sight to alert Mina and she pulled out her phone, secretly recording the confession. "I didn't mean to hit your friend, he wasn't the target."

"Who was?" Bakugo demanded. 

"No, I can't- AHH!" He screamed in pain, feeling Ari's nails dig into his arms. "Some girl, some girl. They paid me off to-"

"Whose the girl's name?"

"Arinna Kurimuzon!" He confessed.

"Who paid you to do this?" Bakugo yelled at him. 

"I'm sorry, I had to. The guy has dirt on me-" The driver cried. Ari's claws dug in more making him squirm. "He didn't give me a name!" He shouted. "He had a name on his shirt, a company."

"What was the company name?" Mina asked. "We need to know."


"Ari, stop." Kirishima pet her fur, stooping down to meet her eyes. "He's not the enemy."

Arinna retracted her claws and let them man speak. Bakugo and the others waited for a response. "Uh...it was an agency."

"There's a ton of agencies here, which one!" Bakugo shouted. Ari growled and the poor man tried to think. "I don't know I just know it had a yellow snake on the emblem!" 

Ari morphed back into her true form, "That's Isaiah's Dad's Agency. The Golden Serpent Agency." (Idk. I didn't think this name through haha!)

"We got it on recording, let him go." Mina told her. 

"Yeah, let him go Ari. He's not the one you want." Kirishima spoke. 

"He tried to hurt you."

"But he didn't. Let him go."

"Ari we have a confession, this is worth it's weight in gold." Mina reassured. 

Ari let the man go, sitting on the grass as Kirishima held her in his arms. The driver ran off as Mina and Jiro came to console her. "Get out of here, you coward! If I see you again I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouted after him. He looked down at his four friends who all huddled together with each other to comfort one another. The group felt a pair of strong arms around them as Bakugo hugged them all protectively. "Call your sister now, Kirishima." 

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