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Ari awoke the next day to a thud up against her door, she put on her robe to open the door. She saw Mineta slumped against it, unconscious.

"I'm going to kill him!" Mina bolted towards him but Kirishima caught her by the waist. Ariknew that look upon her friends face, what the hell happened. She rushed to her friend's aid and looked at her in the eye, "What happened?"

"That little ass hole was peeping in my bathroom!" She yelled at him Ari's rage was unleashed upon hearing her words and she transformed into a Lioness. Mineta opened his eyes to see Ari bounding towards him, "Ahhhh!"

She pinned him to the floor, staring down at him with a flaming anger erupting in her stomach, "pleath don't eat me." He s pleaded with his lisp.

"Ari, get off of him. Everything will be okay." Kirishima tried coaxing her away. Mineta shivered underneath her massive paws, what right did he have to be afraid? Such a small and insignificant pip-squeak, she could've eaten him up in one bite. Fortunately, perverts made her sick. She roared in his face, the force of her rageful voice blowing his face backwards a little.

"Oh my God thith is it! I'm thorry!" He cried apologetically. Ari stopped, making weird guttural noises until she hacked up a little something for him to wear to school.

"Eww! Are you kidding me?" He exclaimed, wiping the cat puke off of his face. She growled and cleaned herself, approaching Mina. She knelt down in front of her, "Thank you, Ari. I've never heard that jerk say sorry in my life."

Ari just gave her a friendly nuzzle, Mina pet her head a little. She glanced at Kirishima and chuffed. He looked a little confused and knelt down beside Mina. "What noise was that?" He asked.

Ari chuffed again and Mina giggled, "I know what that sound means." She told him. "She's calling you her friend."

He couldn't help his face lighting up from hearing the news, he held out his hand knowing already she had some sort of insecurity of being touched. He wanted her to trust him. Ari stared at it before chuffing again and forming back to her real self. By that time, he didn't get the chance to talk to her, the whole class whisked her away to ask her questions.

Mineta shakily walked out into the common area, Kirishima chuckled at his appearance. He smelled of puke and he looked so terrified enough to piss himself. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before messing with he girls again."

Class had started and Ari sat down with the rest of her class, Aizawa came in and looked at each of his students who seemed a bit too bright eyed for his liking, "All Might will be here shortly." They all look too happy right now, it's weird. He thought.

"What will we be learning today?" Iida asked.

"Ask All Might, I have a lot of papers to grade today." He replied, walking to his desk. Ari observed his strange manner and shook her head, what an odd teacher. It was about twenty minutes when All Might entered the room, "Come along you little heroes, You have to show me what you can do." He said to them all boisterously. They all followed him out and headed to the training area. Ari caught up with her uncle, "Everyone here has a hero suit right?" She asked.

"Yeah, there's a gym suit waiting for you in the locker room, just put that on. When you have the time, just start designing your suit and send it down to Support."

"Okay." She glanced at the class for a minute and then back to All Might. "What are we doing today?" She asked.

"You'll see." He gave her a smile. "Go back with your class, sweetie. Your classmates will start getting suspicious." He told her.

"Got it." She fell back with her class, walking next to Tsu. She wasn't sure what to expect with her Uncle Toshi teaching the class, it could go one of two ways, crazy tough or hilarious as hell.

The girls and boys separated, going into their own locker rooms. Arinna spotted her suit and picked it up, she looked around seeing that all of the girls started to change around her. She wasn't at all used to this. With a little courage she changed with no problem and headed out with the rest of the class. Kirishima came up behind her, "Hey there Ari!"

"Ah! Oh, my God." She put a hand to her chest to steady herself.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He smiled.

"It's okay." She chuckled at herself. 

"I didn't know lions ever got scared." He said. Ari glanced at him and couldn't help but laugh a little at his comment.

"Lions in a pride scare each other for fun, it's a hunting technique and they do it all of the time to create bonds."

"Oh, okay. So, you're not offended by the scare?"

"Haha no." She shook her head.

The class lined up in front of their teacher, "Okay class, today we will be doing something called group rescue. I will be putting you in teams of four and you will all have to organize a rescue for little Eri here." He looked down and a sweet white haired girl stepped out from behind him. All the class oohed and Ahhed seeing her, they missed her so much. She looked at the class shyly, hugging All Mights leg. Ari smiled at her sweetly, what a cutie pie. Eri had been around class 1-A long enough to feel safe to be a part of their training.

"There will be villain teams as well, so the first group for the heroes is Kirishima, Shoto, Ari, and Uraraka." He named them off. "The villains, Bakugo, Kaminari, Mina and Sato."

Bakugo gave Ari a menacing look, "Let's get started."

My Hero Academia: Stone Cold.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora