Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: Surprise! Longest chapter yet! <3


For a pirate

My eyes linger on the inked threat in the bucket, still as ominous at daybreak as it was when I received it under the quarter moon. The long noose under it, even more so. But I've been threatened worse. Much worse. This isn't new.

A knife cuts swiftly through a fruit, for a while the only indication of Aggie's presence. "Bastian took your prince around the ship yesterday, meant to strike some fear into him, I suspect."

"Sounds like Bastian," I say disinterestedly.

"He wants him gone when we dock, Viv."

"He'll be gone."

"You made that clear?"

I can only chuckle darkly, feeling the effects of the night before keenly this morning. "I don't have to. He knows it. We both know it."

Her silence speaks volumes.

I grab onto a match.

"This has been quite the whirlwind, darling. Not too long ago, you were having the time of your life tormenting the man."

"I'm tired of questioning it. For weeks, it's all I've done. Wondering if he's planning some terrible deceit, wonder if I've somehow missed his motive. Trust me, I'm watching him as much as you are."

"I wouldn't be surprised if the man should happen to fall in love with you," she says, a smile present in her voice. "I've lost count of the suitors you've shunned, killed and besieged."

I scoff incredulously, turning to her. "Love? Please, be serious."

"Isn't it?"

My answer comes fast. "Of course not."

Her hum of understanding moves through the air. "... My mistake then."

"We bed each other occasionally, Aggie. There's no fairytale here."

"This is a small fucking ship, Captain. Most of the time you think you're alone, you're not. I saw you two on the deck last night, while you were manning the helm... I knew our course charted past the island you were deserted on and I was concerned."

She's making this more than it is. "Aggie."

"I've never seen you cry like that... not to any of us. Not even when Eldar passed. There must be some level of trust for you to release like that."

"A moment of weakness," I say dismissively, lighting the match that will burn the royal's letter of warning to ash.

"A moment in his arms? Viv, it's not a crime to admit he has touched you beyond your flesh." I hear her stand up. "All of us need it. It would be strange if you didn't. Now, I'll say—I don't trust him. I don't think you can count on him but I would not be your friend if I didn't try to get you to understand, once again, that a life without love isn't a life."

I smile, glancing at her. "If I make a mistake here, Aggie, I could pay for it with my life. Larger than that, I could pay for it with all of yours. I am a captain. I am responsible for others and this letter here tells me plain enough." I drop the match into the bucket. The rope is instantly ablaze. The tale Antony told me last night hasn't left my mind for even a moment, the horror of it still curdling my blood. "There is no end here that fairs well for me, Aggie."

Her arm clamps down on mine, spinning me to look at her. "Don't say that!"

"The king has reason to hate my family. Antony told me last night."

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