part 14

106 10 13

It's Sunday in Manali...

Raj and neyo started packing their bags and Dhruv was busy packing his stuffs and manik arranged his stuffs in bag what he brought from his mean time Raj called Raman...

Raj- goodmorning Raman..

Ram- good morning Raj did u pack ur staffs....

Raj-yes and uu...

Ram- yaaa i shifted my staffs we will be leaving in afternoon....

Raj- ok u PPL rearrange ur staffs and tmr morning we will be coming...

Raman- ok Raj....

In mean time nandu texted manik...

Nan pov-i think he busy in packing staffs omg house shifting is a huge headache yaa yesterday i finished my packing and daddy already shifted our stuff soo today after breakfast we will be shifting and yaa we all are sad to vacate our house it's our own small sweet home but what we can doo for business expand and for family reunion sooo we should sacrifice...while i thinking and having breakfast i received message from Manik....

Man pov - while i was busy in packing ya today evng dad and mom and Bhai will go to Delhi by flight and today evng we should book our stuff tooo and i don't know when I will go to Delhi till 20 days left while i was busy i  received message from my mardal u know who my nandu...

Nan-hi bava good morning u came home ...

Man- ya mardal i came and started packing the stuff.... And u what doing.....

Nan- nothing bavaa sryy for not replying yesterday i was busy packing my stuff bavaa.....

Man- itsk mardal now what are u doing....

Nan- eating breakfast and we will leave to our mansion....

Man- reallyy okk first u select the bedroom and make sure beside ur bedroom no one should select i should be their and see in which bedroom their is connecting balcony....

Nan-it's risky bava and my dad comes to know i gone....

Man- nothing mardal do one thing say to ur she will help uuu..

Nan- okkkk..what else ...

Man- nanduu babyyy i missing uuuu badlyyyy i want to see uuuu..

Nan- hide her blush bcz her parents and brother also having breakfast.... Bava keep quiet i am with my parents bavaaa....

Man- gooo okk after going do face time plzzz i am missing uu i can't wait to hold uu babyyy...

Nan- this too much bavaa.....byee....

Man- byee..but make sure our bedroom should be beside okkkk....

Nan- ok...

Man pov - i don't know yyy i was missing nandu badly i know it's only online we got to know each other but i can't dooo any thing.....i love her soo much........

Isha- nandu did u pack ur stuff i mean remaining....

Nan-yaa mom ...

After some time bidding bye for neighbours and they left to mansion......
And they all went to mansion and with out giving chance Raman decided the rooms .....

The mansion was 9 bedrooms and 4 floors...
Nandu went to her bed room which is 3rd floor...
Isha Raman and Raj and neyo bedrooms were in 1 st floor and 2 nd floor they have  home theatre, hall and 2 bed rooms and in 3 Rd floor they gave gym and 3 bed rooms.and 4, th floor they gave 3 bedrooms ...

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