Special 1.0

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Lucio and Capitano their first encounter

Three years after the incident with Lucio his family he was with the family of the agent. There was a hunt going on to find Lucio as the reward is incredible big yet in those three years Lucio has changed a lot. His hair has gotten longer and is not as maintained as it used to be, he has gotten more muscular and he looks more healthy in general as the work load his parents gave him practically was making him sick and he was not able to eat. At the very moment he is sitting in the small cabin with one of the agent his daughters on his lap he considers his sister now. Lucio was silently and calmly braiding her hair as he waits for breakfast to be done along with the rest of the family.

The agent walks up to them and places a hand on Lucio his shoulder gently so the nineteen year old would not flinch at his touch. "Today the hunting party will go trough town so it is best for you to remain inside. Can you cut some wood for the fireplace now so that you wont get caught?"

Lucio finishes the braid up and gives the man a nod and a smile "of course " he spoke and stands up towering over everybody because he is so tall "it may take a while so i will eat breakfast later" Lucio spoke and walks over to the wife of the agent placing a kiss on her cheek almost as a apology for not able to eat breakfast now besides she feels like a mother to him so he always does that when he leaves.

"Oh before you leave Anastasia has been asking for you. Could you go by the shop and buy some flowers?" She asks and hands him a small pouch of money.

Lucio was confused why the women brought it up so he had wanted to ask "Anastasia? Why would she be asking for me?" He asks while he grabs a purple ribbon and puts his hair up in a manbun so it would be out of his face.

"She has a crush on you!" The eldest child of the couple said who still is fairly young ...he is a little younger then Valerius aka the younger brother he lost three years ago.

Lucio his face burns up a bright red as he is speechless not knowing how to deal with this information  "oh-..."

"Come now. Do not tease Lucio" the man spoke and gives Lucio a smile "hurry okay? You know how Anastasia her father is..."

The brunette would give him a nod and just leave the home with a blush on his face as he first would go to the flower shop entering it as he walks over to Anastasia "could you select me a bouquet of ...flowers?" Hr has to paused mid sentence because he feels awkward since he still has to cope the information he just heard.

The women smiles brightly seeing Lucio but a blush also is on his face which causes her to blush " of course. Anything in specific?" She asks. Her voice is so gentle and soothing, she is kind and loving and not to mention she is the most beautiful girl in town so for her to take interest in Lucio is pretty big yet Lucio falls for somebody who he can have a deep connection with and not for looks and yes this young women is kind but he does not feel that connection at all.

The young man shakes his head and watches her select the flowers as most are romantic flowers such as roses. When he goes to pay though he sees she writes of a pretty big number of the price since roses are very exspensive. He was happy he did not have to pay much but he finds it a little unfair for other customers. "How is your father doing? Is he feeling better since i heard he was sick?"

The young women nods and adds some finishing touches in the bouquet as it truely turned out beautifully "he is doing much better. He will join the hunt to hunt the young lord down. He despised that family-... " she spoke annoyed that her father is like this but she moves bouquet so that it still is on the counter yet so that Lucio can take it.

This is why Lucio is not interested in her. He could never have a deep connection with her just because her father hates his family yet he is very curious what her father exactly thinks of him almost having forgotten he has to get back home in time "why did he hate them so much?"

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