Chapter 12

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It was weird, walking into the dining hall knowing he wasn't having lunch at his normal table. It was also weird, in the best way, for Beomgyu to think about how he had a normal table.

He walked over to them, all of the other boys already sitting there except Yeonjun.

Beomgyu didn't know why he was nervous. He was actually over the moon when Taehyun asked him to eat at their table, and agreed right away. But now, about to make it known to his friends, he felt worried about what they might think.

"Hey guys." He smiled at everyone, and it was returned all around while Jisung patted the seat next to him. But Beomgyu shook his head, ignoring the confused look the boy gave him.

"I actually...uh. I was actually coming over here to let you guys know that I'm gonna eat with Taehyun and Kai today. If that's alright with you." Please say yes.

They all looked at each other, before Hyunjin smiled at him and said: "Of course it is, Beomgyu! You don't have to ask. We're glad you're meeting new people." The others nodded, and he felt relieved. He didn't know why he was so nervous in the first place.

He bid them all goodbye, and walked over to the table with "The Underworld Clan". (Jeongin had come up with his least impressive name yesterday.)

He stopped short when he noticed Yeonjun was sitting there talking to Kai, and the other looked just as surprised to find Beomgyu there.

"Beomgyu! Sorry, I'll be over in a second."

Beomgyu smiled. "No, uh. It's fine. Actually, I'm...I'm eating here today."

Yeonjun looked confused. "Oh."

"Yeah. I invited him to eat with us." Taehyun added quietly.

Yeonjun paused, processing the words while looking at Taehyun as if searching for something. Then, a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Oh...Good. I mean, yes. No problem. That's great."

He gave them all two thumbs up before leaving. The three looked at each other, all extremely confused, but decided not to think about it.

Beomgyu sat. He had no idea how to even start a conversation with the two, but to his relief, Huening Kai immediately started it for him.

"So! Beomgyu. What's it like being the son of like the most skilled God ever?"

Beomgyu froze, dread growing in his stomach before he saw Taehyun hit Kai in the chest. "Dude."

Kai smiled. "Sorry. I have no ability to make my sarcasm known, I'm just kidding."

"Oh." Beomgyu laughed slightly and released the breath he'd been holding. "Thank God. Or, thank Titan or whatever it is the people here say. I can't remember." Taehyun looking at him after he made the comment, and he tried not to shift in his seat.

"Where'd you grow up? You know, since... since everyone is saying you joined this year." Taehyun's voice trailed off at the end, embarrassed to have listened to the gossip.

But Beomgyu didn't mind. He was actually relieved to talk about the things he did know, which seemed to become fewer every day. "Daegu. South Korea, if that wasn't obvious." 

He gave in and shifted under both gazes. He continued. "I didn't really know I was...", he made vague gestures with his hand, "...whatever I am, until last month. Merry Christmas to me I guess."

Kai laughed, but Taehyun looked puzzled. "So, how much do you know then? About...", he gestured as well, "all of this?".

Beomgyu thought for a second. "Not much, really. I feel like I know everything I learned from Wikipedia in my hasty research before I came here. But nothing about me or,", he sighed, hating the words, "my dad. Hopefully I'll learn more later."

He started eating, but when he looked up Kai and Taehyun were exchanging glances. It was odd, as he watched them silently communicate. Kai was furiously shaking his head at the other, who ignored it and looked back at Beomgyu.

"You don't know anything about yourself? Like, past, present or...", Beomgyu saw the boy swallow thickly, "...or even the future?"

He frowned. "Uh... No? Should I?"

It was Taehyun who was now shaking his head and making prolonged eye contact with the table. "No, no. Just. Haven't even heard of it. That's all."

"Yeah, well. Apparently I'm the only unwanted kid in this entire fucking school." He couldn't help the remark, but felt embarrassed when both boys looked at him sympathetically. "Sorry. It's stupid, I'm just still a little pissed."

Kai shook his head. "No, it's not stupid. It makes sense that you're hurt, especially after just finding out recently," he stated, and Taehyun nodded his head in agreement.

He then reached across the table and took Beomgyu's hand. Before the latter could properly freak out, he smiled sadly and said, "Dads suck."

Beomgyu realized suddenly that, of anyone in the entire school to understand not loving who you came from, it would be the boy whose dad was king of the dead.

Something settled in his chest like a warm glow. He could tell Taehyun felt it too.

All of a sudden, however, Taehyun's hand flew to his chest. Beomgyu didn't think the moment was that overwhelming.

Kai glanced at him and just smiled sympathetically, as if it were a common occurrence. He placed a hand on Taehyun's shoulder. "Another one?"

Taehyun nodded. They both noticed Beomgyu's concern and confusion, and were quick to offer help.

"It's...someone died. One of my gifts, if you can call it that, is knowing when someone dies.", he explained, and got up to get a glass of water.

"It's usually just a small sting in his heart." Kai added while he was gone. "But if there's someone who has a particular tragedy, like dying young or in an accident, it hurts more. Taehyun says it usually depends on how much the person was hurting when they died."

Taehyun returned and smiled. "Sorry. Didn't mean to get all weird."

Beomgyu shook his head, frowning. "No...What? Don't be sorry. That sounds like it fucking sucks."

Taehyun shrugged. "Sometimes. But only when it's really bad."

"Because of the pain?"

He shook his head. "Not really. I mean, sure, the pain can get bad. But whenever I feel the worst ones...I can't stop thinking about how much the person was probably going through. Mentally or physically."

Beomgyu nodded. "That makes sense."

"And their family...or loved ones. I can't imagine what they go through. Every time I have an episode it's like I can feel their anguish, and that type of loss. And knowing the man that's about to watch over the person they love...I don't think I ever really get rid of that guilt."

There were tears starting to form in Taehyun's eyes, and the silence at the table was paper thin. Kai was nodding sympathetically, most likely having heard the story before.

But Beomgyu was trying to formulate a coherent thought.

Was this really the same person that made everyone in the cafeteria freeze when he entered?

He had only known Taehyun for a few days, but heard about him before that. None of the things he'd heard matched the teary-eyed boy in front of him. No one depicted Hades' son as simply a fragile soul cursed with feeling the pain of every mortal.

The darkness of death is terrifying, Beomgyu knew that. And no matter who their parents are, no one should have to sink under that darkness with no light to bring them back to the surface.

He decided, going forward, that he would try to be that light for Taehyun.

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