Chapter 4

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Archery class was set on the outskirts of the lake, the targets placed on the other side. It was at least a quarter mile wide, and the students were buzzing with nerves about making the shot.

All but one, who knew he was cursed to do nothing less.

Before lunch, the day had been terrible for Beomgyu. And by terrible, it had been disgustingly perfect. He had aced subjects from medicine to poetry, and every class in between. Now that he was standing on the archery fields, he dreaded doing the thing he was supposed to be best at.

He fixed his bow and waited with Yeonjun and Hyunjin for further instruction. While they waited, the two were trying to explain the 'A Warriors' to him. All he really understood was that they were chosen warriors of Athena and Artemis, who bore no children other than Athena's daughters. The other "Athenian Daughters" weren't actual children of gods or figures, but extremely skilled archers and fighters chosen by the goddesses to aid in wars when needed.

Beomgyu admired their bravery to join such a duty, but couldn't help the sting in his chest at their ability to choose.

"All right! Class, welcome to Archery." The instructor walked up in front of the group of students. "I'm Hongjoong, I'll be your instructor this semester." He fixed his glasses before continuing: "If you're here, it means you've got some sort of DNA that makes you good at archery or combative war. Congrats."

Beomgyu glanced around, and it made sense. He spotted Changbin and Chan. He, unfortunately, spotted the A Holes, all snickering and looking around. He also spotted Kang Taehyun, standing to the side with his arms crossed, and chose to ignore how his stomach twitched at the boy's biceps.

"That being said, there are obviously more...let's say, destined parties, for this type of thing."

Beomgyu hid a sigh. It couldn't get any worse than such a callout.

"So, what would be helpful for me is for you to step forward if you're particularly skilled at archery."

It had somehow gotten worse.

Beomgyu willed himself not to melt into the floor from his father being the archery god. It was only when he felt Yeonjun push him forward that he turned and saw himself, Changbin, and another girl he didn't recognize step forward. 

Great. They were the only three to step forward.

Hongjoong smiled at them, and stepped back with his arms crossed. "Let's see then." He gestured towards the targets a mile away, and Beomgyu's eyes shot open. Was he serious?

The other two said nothing, and somehow gave no reaction to the information. Changbin went first. He set up the arrow, and released it. Impressively, it landed on the board only three rings away from the center. Changbin shrugged and smiled as Chan fist bumped him.

Next, the girl went. She had black hair, and Beomgyu admired the white streak in it. She set up the bow, took a deep breath, and shot it. It landed on the target, one ring away from the bullseye. Beomgyu clapped, amazed along with the rest of the class, and the girl beamed while rejoining her friends. He couldn't help but smile as one of the girls grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek, an overly affectionate display for platonic classmates.

He startled as Hyunjin tapped his shoulder and whispered: "Ryujin. Daughter of Athena." He put an emphasis on the name, and Beomgyu nodded in understanding. It explained a lot.

He then heard Hongjoong clear his throat and glanced up at the instructor's smile. That's when it dawned on him that it was his turn, and he actually had to do it. Shit.

He took a deep breath and willed himself to only look forward at the target.

He didn't have time to explain that he was raised by mortals and didn't actually know how to do archery, before he found himself already fixing the bow.

It was instinctual. It sent a shiver down his spine.

He glanced back and saw Hyunjin and Yeonjun smiling at him. Changbin and Chan were smiling as well, and Changbin winked at him. He felt reassured, took a deep breath one more time, and released the arrow.

It traveled across the lake in a straight line, and made a loud whirring noise before it landed.

Right in the center of the target. Bullseye.


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