"Yeah no, I'm the designated driver." Hannah rejected.

"Hannah you care for us so much." I wiped a fake tear.

"More like for myself." She shrugged before laughing.

We cheered the bottle before downing it, each letting out a disgusted face.

The whiskey I downed hit the back of my throat, "Whiskey is definitely not for me." I shook my head, looking down at my empty slurpee cup. My arm slid past Sylvee to take mini bottles of vodka, "Thank you!"

"Hey!" Slyvee laughed it off.


We've been on the road for a while, having no clue where Hannah was driving us.

"Where are we going?" My words slurred together.

"How many bottles did you drink?" Hannah asked.

I tried counting with my fingers, "Uhh."

Hannah shook her head at the asleep girls around her.

"At least we're almost home!"

"Noo." I whined in protest, "I thought we were going on an adventure!"

"Looking at stars, not getting wasted." Hannah laughed, "Besides, you'll be here for a while, we'll go out again. We just need to get you home."

"Florida isn't home."

"Cmon, Karl's waiting for you."

"What?" I sobered up a bit hearing that part.

"Been texting me ever since we left." Her eyes focused on the road.

"Oh." I leaned back into my seat, pulling up Twitter.


Twitter -

Y/N 💫 | @U/N

help what do I do when there's a cute guy


Replies -

User9 - You good?

User63927 - watch it be Karl LMFAO

User1816 - r u drunk or something
Y/N 💫 | @Y/N

User420 -
Y/N.. we don't accept simps in this household


"Y/N, stop exposing yourself on Twitter." Hannah scolded.

I whined, "How long until we get back."

"Just 30 minutes!"

I groaned before leaning into my seat, sleep clawing at my eyelids.

"I'll wake you up when we get back." Hannah smiled looking at me.

I slowly nodded but leaning on my window. I like Hannah. I wish more people was like Hannah.

Goodnight. The words only playing in my head, I was too tired to say it out loud.


Someone prodded my side, feeling the breeze in my face.

"Wake up." The voice whispered.

I stirred, "Leave me alone, 5 more minutes." I shifted my body to face the other way.

The hand reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt, "Cmon, let's get you inside."

I whined, protesting to move.

The person hoisted me on their back, and started walking. My eyes struggling to open, I could see the sun starting to rise. I rested my head back onto the persons shoulder, "You're really comfortable." I mumbled, my voice being muffled from their sweater.

All I heard was a sigh of amusement before we started going up the stairs.

I heard Hannah drop the two girls on their beds before talking, "You can drop her right there."

I was placed onto a mattress with the most comfortable pillow and blanket. I snuggled into my bed fighting sleep.

"Thanks Karl." I heard Hannah say before shutting the door after exchanging "goodnights".

The lights were shut and the blinds were rolled down.

"Goodnight." I heard Hannah whisper to all of us.

I mumbled before being taken over by sleep.



Oh no, I hope an obstacle isn't approaching that might affect their little friendship.

Oh nooo


Shorter chapter but the girls will return!! WOOOOO

~ 🥕

&gt; Promises &lt; K.J Where stories live. Discover now