" And the fire, it will singe your clothes and body, but you have lived. "

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September 29th.

Or, better known as 'Mutation Day.', where Soul and his brothers, along with Hamato Yoshi were all mutated, forging into a life of solitude and sewage.

He, Soul, doubted he could prevent it, not when they were already in the pet shop, so he just stared at the calendar. September 29th.

The scene felt shockingly familiar.

(Well, he couldn't say he was surprised—in the two years he's resided here, he's been counting the ticks on the clock, watching the months and dates go by on the calendar, it became a practice.)

He turned his attention back to Miwas' little coos, Tang-Shen held the little girl on the hip. He blinked, gliding over. Occupied by turtles.

He stared at a particular batch, and felt himself be..surprisingly startled. He watched two turtles, both accompanied with a red and orange spot each, sun-bask.

He's brought to the distant memory of Raphael and Michelangelo sitting by the vault of the sewers, enjoying the little glory of the sun they could get. It was an odd memory, considering he was four, but it was clear as day.

Sun-bask..they'd never been able to do that.

He found himself staring at a purple-coded turtle, which was biting on a leaf in its enclosure. Donnatello? He lightly smiled, watching.

He thinks about Donnie constantly putting things in his mouth when they were little—a habit he grew out of, but the gap in his teeth proved it had happened, no matter how hard he denied

And then, his attention is caught towards a blue-coded turtle. Himself.

The turtle was in the little pond of water the enclosure had, staring at the other turtles in the enclosure with a dirty beak. Miwa giggled, reaching towards the glass panel.

"Oh, be careful, Miwa. You'll scare them!" Tang-ashen gently reminded, before looking at Soul. Right choice? Soul looked at the tiny turtles one more time. Can he really decide?

His eyes look at another pair of turtles, dozing away.

His eyes look at the busier pair, his brothers and himself.

He slowly nodded, he can protect the sleeping turtles by not changing the course of direction and he can protect his brothers and himself when mutated.

Tang-shen smiled, putting Miwa down and entrusting Soul to keep her safe, and he did.

Miwa was carefully jumping on her tippy toes to see the turtles again, Soul hopes this will be over soon. It twisted his stomach horribly, to see himself so vulnerable..

So carefree.

He gulped, ever so slightly fighting his grip on Miwas shoulder, who didn't notice, occupied with the turtles in the tank. Good, keep Miwa happy, keep her safe.

He really needs to stop promising the safety of others, adding the tiny turtles on his little checklist.

He sighed, hearing Tang-Shen walk back over with an employee. He watched his slanted dues as each turtle was picked up and placed into a transporter. He watched the orange one roll on its shell.


He gulped, fumbling with his fingers, watching his brothers and himself fates be sealed. This is fine, he's already changed too much of the universe, he shouldn't risk anything more.

He glided towards the excited Miwa close to his side and babbled, she wouldn't stray far, she never did. Tang-shen held the tank of turtles, little orange on its shell still. He wanted too help.

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