Chapter 8: Weight Gain

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I don't know what's going on with my body but I've gained 10 pounds over the last month and now I can't really fit any of my clothes.

I know it's only 10 pounds, but I'm normally the one to be on a strict diet and maintain my weight.

I already had to go up a size or two in shirts and bras because my boobs grew, but shit!!

I'm gonna scream. This is not normal for me.

Betty has been staring at me the whole time and it's making me mad.

"Can I help you?" I said annoyed.

"Yes actually, why are you pacing around the house like that?" she asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Somethings wrong" I say.

"Like what? You're normally the type to not worry" she says which is very true, unless it's about Toni.

"I've gained weight and I don't know why" I say really fast and she just laughed at me.

That made me angry and it showed.

"What's so damn funny?"

"You! You should know why you're gaining weight" she said still laughing.

"Betty it's not funny. I don't really like that I'm gaining"

"Change your diet then"

"I eat the same things. What do you mean?"

"No you don't. You've been eating things you wouldn't normally eat" she said looking at her phone.

I went up to her and took her phone.

"Can you please help me?" I sincerely asked.

"Fine. Did you and Veronica-"

"Yes, we did and no I'm not pregnant"

After I said that, it clicked.

"It's my fucking birth control"

"Language" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Toni isn't even here, genius" I said going into the kitchen.

"Where is she?"

"With Veronica somewhere" I said getting a snack.

"See" she said and I looked at her confused.

"You're eating foods you don't normally eat. That's why you're gaining weight" she said pointing towards the snack cake in my hand.

"Look I can't help it, okay?"

"You can't help it, but yet you're complaining about your weight" she snapped.

I just looked at her with a motionless expression.

"Give it to me" she said taking it out of my hand.

"Heyyy, I wanted that" I whined.

"Eat some fruit" she said walking away.

She acts like my mom and I hate/love it. Right now it's mostly hate.

I went upstairs and I looked at myself in the mirror. I've gained too much weight for my liking and now it's really going to be hard to find clothes that fit me.

My stomach looks all pudgy, my hips are wider and of course my boobs are bigger.

I decided to wear sports bras from now on. They're more comfortable, especially when you're nursing.

I do happen to look at my phone and saw the date.

"HOLY SHIT" I yelled.




How is she going to tell me to stop using profanity in my own home, that I pay for..

I ran downstairs and grabbed my car keys.

"Where are you going?"

"To the store... I need to get something" I said in a awkward way and she just looked at me with a smirk.

"So you are pregnant"

"Look, I don't know. I just happened to realize what the date was and saw that I'm late" I said.

"How late?"

"Like almost a month late" I say in a bit of fear because she did warn me about what might happened.

She shook her head at me and pulled a pregnancy test out of her bag.

" do you just carry these around?" I curiously asked.

"No, now go take this"

That's weird. Who just carrie's around pregnancy tests, but whatever I guess.


I took the test and it came back negative, so I called my doctor and she said it's my birth control that's doing this to my body.

I sighed in relief. I don't know how I was going to function with an infant and a 1 year old.

I need to figure out a way to get my weight back on track.

I broke out of my thoughts when Veronica walked back in the bedroom with Toni.

"Hi baby" she said coming over to give me a kiss.

She hands me Toni and I take her to her room due to her being asleep. I kissed her forehead and headed back to my room.

I walked in and sighed sitting on the bed.

"What's wrong, baby?" she asked scooting closer to me.

"I'm getting fat" I say in a sad voice.

"Cheryl" she said sternly.

"It's true. I've gained 10 pounds"

"So what. It's life. Everyone gains or loses weight. You're still sexy if you ask me" she says and I gave a small smile.

"I understand that, but I hate it. I don't like the fact that it takes longer to get ready because I've gotten too big for my own clothes. It's embarrassing, actually" I stated in a sad tone.

"Babe, it's okay. I promise. It's just 10 pounds that you can easily lose if it bothers you that much. It's just your birth control, you just have to watch what you eat from now on"

"Are you calling me fat??" I ask in offense.

"Cheryl be quiet"

Haha I love messing with her.

"I'm kidding. Thanks babe"

She gave me a kiss on the forehead and for the rest of the day we chilled and also listened to Veronica yell at us about what we eat. So there's that.

My baby girl Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang