Chapter 12: Long lost siblings pt 1

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Today I decided to go over my moms house and finally get the rest of my things.

Of course my mom and I have never had the best relationship and after today I will no longer have to see her ever again.

I'm actually happy for myself. From time to time I fought my hardest to be the best I could and prove to her that I'm the best daughter she could ever have. Sadly each time it made thing so much worse between us.

Including the fact that she literally blamed me for my brothers death when all he wanted to do is get away from our abusive parents as much as I wanted to.

Which ended in them sending me to the sisters of quiet mercy and that was every child's worst nightmare.

Once I arrived at her house, I went to the attic because that's where the remainder of my things were and began grabbing my things and taking them to my truck.

Veronica came with me so I wouldn't have to lift anything super heavy by myself, while Toni stayed at home with Betty.

As I went to grab the final box, I noticed a box with pictures in it, but there was one specific picture that caught my eye. It was a picture of a little girl who looks just like me.

I was confused because obviously I've never met or seen this girl, so who is she?

I showed Ve the picture and she was just as confused as I was. This girl looks a lot like me, so I want to know who she is.

Of course she's my sister, but why haven't I seen her.

We went downstairs and I shoved the picture in my moms face, asking who this girl was and she did nothing but just look at me.

"Hello? Answer my damn question!" I demanded.

"She's your sister" she answered.

"No shit, she has my whole face. Why haven't I never seen or met her?" I replied.

"I gave her away"

"Why the hell would you do that!?"

"I had too. She wasn't your fathers and he was under the impression that she was, so when I was out of town for work I had gave birth to her and gave her to another family, but told your father that she didn't make it"

As I thought about it, this had to of been when Jason and I were toddlers because I don't remember my mother being pregnant at all.

I was furious!

"You really are an heartless woman. You never cared for Jason and I, but decided to have another and then just give her away like she was nothing"

"Cheryl, it's not like-''

"How old is she now?"


Ha. I don't remember because that was the time she claimed she had to go away for the business trip for a year and a half.

I took the picture and since Ve and I were finished, we just left. I really want to meet this girl and of course I forgot to ask mother what her name was.

Oh well.

When we got back home I told Betty everything and she was shocked herself.

As the day went on I just decided to forget about it because there's nothing I can do.

I made dinner and then eventually watched tv. Well I tried to but Toni wouldn't decide if she wanted to eat or not. She kept latching and unlatching.


It's been a few weeks and I still wonder about my little sister that I never got to meet.

I of course have been bugging my mother about giving me the name of the little girl and she will not tell me.

I truly want to know the real reason why she doesn't want me to meet her. By this time it couldn't possibly be about my evil father because he's dead.

So what's the real reason?

Right now Toni, Ve, Be, and I are at the mall walking around the baby store and then I seen a cute redhead baby girl who looked exactly like my mom?

Then the girl holding the baby turned around and boom.


to be continued...

My baby girl Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz