Chapter 18: New baby? pt2

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Right now I'm here at my doctors appointment to see what's going with me.

I'm very nervous at the moment. I could be pregnant or something far worse.

I sat in the lobby nervously shaking my leg, until I hear my name being called.

"Cheryl Blossom"

I perked my head up and headed towards the doctor.

"How are you today miss Cheryl?" the doctor asked.

"I-I'm fine. Just a little under the weather" I responded.

"Is that so? What's been going on?" she asked.

"Well I've been feeling a"

She nodded for me to continue.

"Off? Define off"

"Well I've been sleeping a lot, weird cravings, bloating, and vomiting" I added.

"Ok, how long has this been going on?"

"For the last month or so.."

"Miss Blossom when's the last time you were sexually active?" she asked with a questioning look.

I see where she's going with this and I feel like vomiting.

"I'd say like a week or so ago"

"Hm and do you guys use protection or are you possibly on any birth control?" she asked writing on her notepad.

"Well I was on birth control but then it began messing with my weight, so I was taken off and haven't got on anything else" I responded and she nodded.

"To answer your other question, no. We don't use protection" I added blushing at my response.

"I see. Well I'm going to take some blood and run some tests" she said with a small smile.

I nodded propping my arm up.

After she took my blood, she left the room.

I sat there and wondered. What if I am pregnant? What would that mean for me and Ve? How will Toni feel?

I can't even get her out of headspace to fill her in on what's going on. She's been in her newborn headspace for a few months now.

I'm pretty sure I am pregnant but for some reason I don't want to believe it.

I'm just scared. Scared that Ve will fall out of love with me and leave.

Of course I knew this eventually was going to happen, but not so fast.

My anxiety just isn't it right now. I need this doctor to hurry the fuck up before I freak out.

Moments later the doctor was finally coming back in.

"Okay Miss Blossom, so I ran some tests and in fact you are perfectly healthy" she said with a smile.

I sighed in relief but I'm pretty sure there's more she needs to say by her facial expression.

"Also you are pregnant" she added and my jaw completely dropped.

"You're kidding" I gasped out.

"No i'm not, actually"

I nodded saying "Do you know how far along I am?"

"No but we can go to the lab and do an ultrasound" she suggested.

I nodded getting up to follow her.

Once we entered the room she had me sit on the bed and adjusted it back some.

My baby girl Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum