True Love

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When Emmet is about to throw himself into the abyss.


Lucy:"Wait, wait, what are you-what are you?"

Emmet:"Now it's your turn to be the hero."

Lucy:(Realizing what Emmet is going to do and horrified)"No! I can't let you do this!"

Emmet:(Sad frown)"...And I can't let you die."

Lucy:"But if you do this..."

Emmet:(Trying to comfort Lucy)"Shh, sh, sh..."

Lucy:"But if you do this then you will die."

Emmet:"Hey...It's gonna be alright."

Emmet:"See you later, alligator."

Lucy:(Horrified 'Please don't go!' look)"Don't!"

Emmet falls into the abyss.

Lucy:"No! Emmet!"

Later when Emmet is back and he and Lucy are holding hands. They slowly move their heads forward and close their eyes. They closed the distance between them fairly quickly, and it was then that their lips softly came together. They began kissing each other more and more passionately. Having a mind of their own, Lucy's hands moved over Emmet's arms and were soon placed around his neck. She ran her fingers through his soft, silky hair as Emmet snaked one arm around her waist and the other around her upper back and brought her closer to him. As they fervently kissed one another, the two young adults felt sparks go off inside their bodies. The sparks grew in power and strength, and as their excitement grew to it's peak, fireworks started shooting off and exploding within them. Lucy was completely amazed by the overpowering feeling. She had never in her life felt such an incredible emotion in her life, not even with Batman. It was in that instant, as the pair continued making out and moving their lips that the young woman answered her own question. Though hidden during the beginning of the climax, it was love that she felt for Emmet, deep, strong love meant only for that one special person. She hated that it took her the rest of the climax to figure it out, but in the end, time didn't matter. She was in love. There was no more denying it. Finally breaking the kiss, the breathless young man and young woman pulled away, opened their eyes and looked at one another, a smile on both of their faces. There was no counting how many times Emmet imagined what it would be like to kiss Lucy's soft, sweet lips. It turned out to be a million times better than his fantasies. 

Lucy:"Wow..." She sighed.

Lucy:"I...don't believe it."

Emmet:"What don't you believe?" Emmet asked curiously.

With her smile growing bigger, Lucy answered. 

Lucy:"That all this time...all this time, it was you that I had been missing. I can't believe I was so blind...I couldn't see that the perfect guy for me...was right here in front of me...the whole time."

Emmet chuckled lightly as he brought his hand from her waist to her cute face and tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear. He then, stroked her cheek, taking in the feeling of her velvet skin against his fingertips, and said:

Emmet:"Lucy...I'm so happy that you now are with me. I promise never to leave you. I know in my heart that you're my other half, and I would never be stupid enough to let you go. You are my heart and soul. I don't know what I would do without you in my life. I'll always be there for you Luce...I promise. And when I promise something, I never, ever break that promise. Ever."

The construction worker sealed his promise with a long, tender kiss. As their lips parted, Lucy said:

Lucy:"I love you, Emmet." 

Emmet blushed, smiled and kissed her cheek, earning a smile and blush from her. Emmet said:

Emmet:"I love you, Lucy...more than anything."

With happiness in their hearts, the new couple wrapped their arms around each other and held each other close. Laying her head on his shoulder, Lucy knew nothing would ever come between them, and as Emmet looked in the distance, he knew they would always be together now and forever. It was in that second that he saw two birds perched on a tree nearby, both singing softly and sweetly as one nuzzled her head against the male's chest. As their song drew to a close, they took off from the branch and took to the sky, flying higher and higher as they began a new life, one they would share together.

Emmet:(In his head)"Just like you and I will, Lucy." Emmet thought as he looked down upon her and held her close. 

Emmet:(In his head)"Until the end of time...I promise."

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