New School, New Girl

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               Looking into my mirror I take a deep breath "New school, new girl, I got this" I open my closet door in which my mirror is hung on to. Looking at the few sets of clothes I have at the moment, I take out my blue cropped jacket that has yellow strips at the shoulders and blue jeans from American Eagle. Pulling the jacket over my head I leave my room grabbing my black backpack on the way out. I was stopped before coming down the stairs by my mother, she smiles softly and kisses my head before saying 

      " There's my sweet girl, Today's going to be a good day Honey, I just know it" She winks at me as she goes into her room. I smile and make my way down the carpeted stairs. My mom was like that, somehow she always new what the day would bring, so if she said that today was going to be a good day then I believe her. Maybe i'll make new friends on my first day, or even better find someone that I might have a chance with. A smile fills my face as I walk out the door. 


       As I finish my thirty minute walk I stop in front of a huge black gate, taking a deep breath I push it open looking at the building that stood in front of me. This wasn't a regular school, its an all-girls private school in the middle of nowhere. It must be about six stories high I think to myself as I open the front door. Looking around I see two staircases that look like strands of DNA, in the middle of the staircases sat a big room with the words office on top of the door way. I start walking to the office as I get pushed down. Looking up I see a shorter girl with auburn hair standing over me. She gives me a warm smile as she puts out her hand to help me up. " Oh my god, i'm so sorry I didn't mean to" she rambles as I take her hand and stand up cutting her off.

     "It's okay" I say smiling back at her. I look down at our hands still attached. She quickly lets go of my hand and looks down at the blue tiled floor. " I'm Skylar" I say with a smile holding out my hand. The shorter auburn haired girl looks up and shakes my hand with a shy smile 

      " I-I I'm Abby" the girl says with a somewhat shaky voice. I smile at the girl again to show that she shouldn't be scared. We make eye contact and things get really quiet, shes kinda cute I think to myself as she smiles breaking eye contact " What class are you going to, maybe I can show you around" she stops talking and her eyes go be " Only if you want of course". I smile again and say

" That would be great" I take my schedule out from my pocket and look at the top. I read " Mrs. Lord's English class 8:25- 9:25" She takes a look at my paper and says

"I have that class first too! Come i'll show you" I smile and follow the girl to class.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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