𝖨𝖵. 𝖠 𝗋𝖾𝖽𝖼𝗈𝖺𝗍 & 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖼𝗂𝗀𝖺𝗋𝗌

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Chapter IV. A redcoat & some cigars


I woke up feeling tired, having a throbbing headache, ears ringing faintly, & yet it's really bright over where I'm laying at. I open my eyes & my eyelashes flicked against something. I raised my hand upwards & grabbed the sheet from my face, covering my eyes with my other arm & sitting up afterwards.

I look around & it looks like I'm in a room inside of an infirmary. I looked down at myself; there's wires attached to my arms, chest, legs, & back, the monitor in the corner beeping in rhythm. I felt a large bandage wrapped around my head. I also noticed my outfit was changed into some patient clothing, what a great demonstration of "invading-my-personal-space!"

"Faen, når endte jeg opp slik?" ("Shit, when did I end up like this?") I muttered to myself. I heard voices & footsteps coming my way so I laid back down, closed my eyes & pretended that I was still asleep. The door opened into my room, two figures walking in.

"Så når våkner hun? Hvor lenge har hun ligget bevisstløs?" (So, when will she wake up? Like, how long has she been knocked out for?) Said an accented masculine voice, who I recognized as the Red Leader.

"Ærlig talt vet vi ikke når hun våkner." (Honestly, there's no telling when she'll wake.) A feminine voice replied back to him. "...Men vi vet at hun fortsatt er i live." (...But what we do know is that she's still alive.)

"I still can't believe the fact that she was 'bold' enough to jump from a window four stories high into the clusters of forest beside the area."

"No kiddin', but if I was her, I'd just surrender myself instead of breaking many bones in my body, getting a concussion, & being immobile for the rest of the time." 

The woman he was talking to had black hair with a white streak down the side. She looks as pale as the ceiling above, yet still looks beautiful in general. The only thing that sticks out from the rest of her is her lips, which are a dark cherry red. She went to check my vitals & it took everything in me to keep me from flinching at her touch. I guess she was going to remove the wires from my skin because the moment she went to get the ones from my legs, I shot up from my laying position no faster than my own heart beating.

"Fy Faen!" (Holy shit!) The woman panicked at my sudden reaction.

"The fuck you screamin' for — oh." He looked at my frantic looking expression. 

I had all eyes staring at me, & I stared back at them, breathing heavy while doing so. I started to relax a bit & afterwards I asked them what happened. They explained the details, mainly Red Leader because he knew the details quite clear as day.

"...And now you are here, alive. Yet, you should be dead by the fall you took to the ground."

"I know, I should've. Probably been better than living in this hell we call work & home." I sarcastically replied. "Say where the kniver på? I should probably die right now!" (knives at?)

"First off, no kniver (knives) for you, dumbass." He spoke to me, then turned his attention to the woman in the medical coat. "Can you get something that she can move herself with?"

"Yes sir —" She complied before getting interjected by me.

"Now hold up. Wait just one second." I commanded, ripping the wires from my body & jumping off the bed I was in. "I'm perfectly...fine." I held that last word for a little longer, because I was originally joking & expected to collapse onto the floor. "The fuck. How am I standing?"

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