Raindrops keeping falling on my head

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Bella walked into the bar. She was angry. She was furious. Addison and how she was back. She couldn't believe it. She knew that addison was her mom and she loved her mom but she knew that it made things a lot more complicated

Bella grabbed a vodka shot and downed it. She needed alcohol and a lot of it. She grabbed another shot and downed it. She didn't know what to do and she knew how she was avoiding addison and how she would soon have to come face to face with her

Bella ran a hand through her hair as she looked to joe as he stood behind the bar

"You look familiar. You been here before?" Joe asked as Bella smiled

"You could say that" Bella said

"I know that look. It'll be one of two things. Either your boss is giving you hell or your boyfriend is. Which is it?" He asked

"Both. My boyfriend is my boss, which was a problem. But not as big a problem as the fact that my boyfriend has a wife or shall I mentioned that he's big only my boyfriend my boss but he is my stepfather and my mom had just turned up" bella said

"Tell you what, this one, it's on the house" he said as she downed the next shot.

Bella looked to her phone and rolled her eyes as she see the missed calls and messages off of derek. She didn't want to hear it. She didn't want to talk to him over the fact her mom was back and she didn't want to talk to her mom either

Bella looked as Meredith, George and Cristina walked in as they sat at the bar. Meredith looked to her and frowned

"Are you okay? Bella?" Meredith asked as Bella looked to the three of them as Cassie walked in and sat at the bar. She ordered herself a drink as and looked to Bella and frowned

"What's up with moody?" Cassie asked

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most. I'll win. I always win" Bella said

"No, you don't want to play with me" Cristina said

"Oh, I do. I'll even go first. Derek's married to my mom who is here" Bella said as Cassie choked on her drink and spat it out. In shock. In shock that her aunt Addie was here and knowing what it meant for Bella and derek

"Cassie, vodka is dripping from your nostrils" Meredith said

"Told you I'd win" Bella said

"Do you want to talk about it" Meredith asked as Bella looked to her

"Why would I want to? The first time I open up my heart and this happens. I know what I got into. It happened in New York and it's a mess. I didn't plan on falling for him and all the shit happened in New York and fuck I have to face my mom" Bella said as she downed her drink and slammed the glass down before she walked out of the bar. She couldn't be there

Bella knew it was all a mess and how she felt as if her head would explode

Bella stood outside of the hospital. She was trying to remain strong and not break down. She knew that she wasn't as strong as she acted

Bella frowned as she saw Cassie as she asked over to where she was

"Hey are you okay. I know that this is what you were dreading your mom turning up and all of this" Cassie asked as Bella sighed

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