The self-Destruct button

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The sound of the alarm going off woke Bella off. She groaned as she knocked it off, she rolled over into Derek. Both of them naked from the night before and half asleep

"I'm so tired" bella groaned as Derek chuckled as she rolled into his chest

"After last night I'm not surprised" he said as she sat up and looked to him

"I have pre-rounds. And you have to leave before they see you" bella said

"Oh, come on, now. Why don't you just let them see?. It's not as if we have anything to be ashamed of. Not anymore" Derek asked as He rolls on top of her

"No!" Bella groaned as he kissed her neck

"Belle Please!" Derek said as he ran his hands up her thighs

"No, No! We did another of that last night" brlla said as and went to push him away as he looked to her and smirked

"Are you sure" Derek asked as Bella looked to him and smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close


Bella walked into the kitchen as she saw cassie, George and izzie

"Hi. Good morning" bella said

"Morning. Hey, so it sounded like you were having some pretty radical sex last night, all night long. Who was the guy?" Izzie asked

"no one you know" bella said as she looked to see cassie as she sat at the table flicking through a magazine. Cassie looked up at her and smirked. She knew how that was far from true

"What's the matter Isobel? Jealous are we?" Cassie asked as izzie looked to her and glared

"Shut up Cassidy"

"What the fuck did you call me. Miss strips down to her underwear. I will kill you. No one calls me that fuck face" Cassie said as she stood up and went for izzie

"Cass stop" bella said as she grabbed her cousins arm and pulled her back

"She will need surgery when I am done with her. Only your mother calls me Cassidy" cassie said

"And I bet she is proud" izzie spat as she looked to Bella

"What did you say? You nothing over me or my mother so mind your own business" bella spat

"I will kill her" Cassie spat as bella lead Cassie pff and smiled

"Ignore her cass" bella said

"Izzie come on" George said as he lead her off as bella looked to cassie

"She's not worth it"

"Wait until she learns who kept kept us up all night. I don't like her and if she comments on you again I will kill her" Cassie said as bella looked to her and smiled

"We're late. Let's go" bella said. 


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