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Hey there,

Looking for a way to start a new hobby -- a new hobby that just might bring about some crazy amazing benefits to your life? Searching for a way to feel a bit more in control of those things that are bothering you? Or trying to find simple ways to build your creativity? Or just looking for a hobby that will get you to think a bit more about your life and habits?

Why, journaling just may be for you!

Hello, friend! My name is Amy Blake and I’m here to guide you on a 100 day journey to journaling. As you commit to this little challenge you’ve put yourself on, you’ll slowly discover a variety of benefits and thoughts (and emotions!) that journaling can bring you.

Journaling has so many benefits, including (but definitely not limited to):

Increasing self-confidence

Sparking creativity

Strengthening self-discipline

Evoking mindfulness

And Expanding your IQ

And here’s the great thing: this isn’t a challenge that’s going to take up all of your time. Nope, not at all! In fact, the great thing about this journaling adventure is it’s all up to you. You write when you want to write. You write what you want to write. So, if that means you write for five to ten minutes a day, then that’s what that means!

Journaling can be a daily experience that lasts only a few minutes to maybe a few hours. Finding what is comfortable for you and your lifestyle is the main priority to making sure you continue on strong through this 100 day journey!

Before I get into the nitty gritty of why you should journal and how you should, or could, journal, I should probably mention some of the basic benefits and qualities that journaling can bring to your lifestyle. First of all, journaling is such a cathartic hobby to have (along with all of those beneficial habits we talked about above).

Have something that’s been weighing on your mind, but yet don’t really have anyone to talk to? Or maybe your friend, your spouse, your family member did something that’s so annoying, yet so small, and you just need to rant or talk about it a bit. Well, writing all of this down is actually a great way to get those little worries or annoyances off of your chest. It’s really quite amazing how simply writing about something -- and putting it out there in the universe, so to speak -- can really help lift your mind free from these things that may be wearing you down.

That’s just one benefit that comes from journaling.

Before we get into any more of the added benefits that come from journaling, let’s break down what journaling even means.

Basically, journaling means writing down thoughts, ideas, opinions, or what you have done for the day. It can be like a diary, or it can be like a stream of consciousness note taking of the day. People in a variety of different careers -- and a variety of different lifestyles or generations -- use journaling in various ways for different reasons. Regardless of where you are in your life, writing down some thoughts or random ramblings of the day can really bring some benefits to your daily life.

SELF DISCOVER JOURNAL : 100 DAYS OF SELF EXPLORATION || By : Amy J. BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now