Chapter 4

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Caspian motioned for you to sit across from him and offered you a waterskin, "how have you been?"

You chuckled, Caspian's eyes got wide for a moment and he raked a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, not very romantic was it?"

You smiled, "I guess there's not exactly a right way to start is there?"

Caspian nodded, "how long has it been?"

"Just over 2 years," you responded, "for you?"

"5 years," he responded.

You nodded, "and in 5 years you have accomplished the impossible, peace across all of Narnia."

Caspian smiled at your praise, "it would have gone more swiftly if you were here to lead the army."

You chuckled. "I am serious," Caspian replied, "you were always right next to Peter when you ran into battle, everyone saw who the brave one really was."

You smiled and nodded in thanks, "I am flattered, but I am sure you have done well in our absence."

Caspian shuffled his feet, "in all honesty, it has been hard, I found myself constantly wishing you were at my side, leading with me."

You opened your mouth to speak, but Caspian interpreted, taking both of your hands in his, "(Y/N), not a day has gone by in 5 years that I have not thought about you, not a day that I have not wished for you to appear by my side, even for only a moment. After all this time it has been you and only you."

"Caspian, I-" you breathed,

He held a finger to your lips, "don't say anything, I know life has changed for you, Edmund told me how much you have taken care of them. I know in your time away, things could have changed, I just wanted you to know how I felt and I hope you will give me a chance to earn your love again."

You smiled at him, "everyday since my family went to America, I have only ever focused on taking care of them," you explained, "I was forced to be the adult far before I was actually ready to be. But in the quiet moments, in my dreams," you paused, "it's been you."

Caspian smiled and leaned in, but you stopped him with a gentle hand to the chest, "nothing could change how much I love you, Caspian, but being in Narnia doesn't change that I still have to look out for my family."

Caspian nodded in understanding, "I love you, Caspian, but I also need to protect them, I need to focus on their safety," you said, "I hope you can understand that."

He smiled, resting his forehead on yours, "of course I understand that, (Y/N), and I will use all the resources at my disposal to help you protect your family, because they are mine too."

You smiled, grateful that he understood the weight now solely on your shoulders. Before you always had Peter by your side, he shared the load with you, but now you had to figure out how to protect your loved ones alone.

Caspian pulled you close and you sunk into his embrace, thankful for his presence. It felt so good and familiar to be in his arms. You tucked your head under his chin and chuckled.

He moved slightly, peering at you over his chin, "what is it?"

You smiled up at him, "you smell good." 

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