Chapter 1

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It had been two and a half years since you left Narnia. In that time, the world had went to war, forcing your family to move to America for work. Mother and Father had moved early to find work, your Aunt and Uncle following them and finally Susan and Peter. The war picked up before you, Lucy, Edmond and your cousin Eustace would leave England. Now you were stuck there, without the rest of your family. The one bright side being that you were the oldest, so you were in charge.

You and Lucy were out getting groceries one morning while Edmond and Eustace were hunting for work anywhere. "Do you ever think the war will end?" Lucy asked as you loaded the bags into your basket.

You smiled at her, she had grown up so much in such a short time, "it will end eventually Lu," you assured her.

"Do you miss Narnia?" she asked as you started walking home, "even though there were wars there?"

You nodded, "I miss it everyday, I don't know how Susan and Peter can just move on, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to go back."

Lucy flashed you a knowing smile, "do you want to go back for Narnia or for Caspian?"

You chuckled, not giving her the satisfaction of an answer. You arrived on the steps of your aunt and uncle's home that you had been living in. You started pulling the grocery bags out of the basket when you heard raised voices inside.

"At it again, I guess," you rolled your eyes, climbing the steps with Lucy right behind you, "can't they get along for one day?"

Lucy laughed, "I'd take even just an hour."

You opened the door to find Edmund and Eustace in the middle of a heated argument, something that was actually quite common.

"You refused to even look for work!" Edmond shouted, "you need to start pulling your weight!"

"I am a boy of intelligence!" Eustace retorted, "I will leave the manual labor to oafs like you!"

"Enough," you said calmly, walking past them, "help me unpack the groceries."

You and Lucy moved into the kitchen and Edmund and Eustace followed, still shouting at one another. "If you're so intelligent, maybe you could find some work!" Edmond shouted, grabbing some fruit to put away.

"Maybe if you would read actual information instead of pining over fairytales, you could actually use your brain!" Eustace shouted back.

"You little-"

"Enough!" you shouted, "just unpack the groceries in silence," you instructed, grabbing Lucy's hand and dragging her up to the room you shared.

Lucy sat across from you on the bed, "when was the last time you actually ate?"

You smiled at her, "I had some last night, the war is affecting the rationing too, we can't afford very much."

Lucy's smile faded, but you continued, "I'm not mom, Lu, I don't really know what I am doing."

Lucy grabbed your hand, "you are a Queen in another world, you've fought beasts and lead armies. If you can do that, you can do this for a few more months."

You sighed, "how do you know the war will be over in a couple months?"

Lucy smiled, "faith."

Soon Edmond knocked on the door and walked in, collapsing on the bed between you and Lucy. "I can't take much more of Eustace Clarence Scrubb," he said with a sigh.

You chuckled, "if you would just let him be his annoying self-" you were cut off by a knock on the door followed by a shout from Eustace.

"(Y/N), Jack from the military academy is here again," he shouted.

Lucy smiled at you, "that the fourth time this week, he must really fancy you."

You rolled your eyes and walked down the stairs to the front door, "good afternoon, Jack, what can I do for you today? More bonds to sign?" you greeted happily. Edmund and Lucy were lurking in the living room, listening to your every word.

Jack smiled at you, "actually, I'm in my unofficial capacity today." He looked nervous, but you waited for him to continue, "I was wondering if you were busy tonight, there's going to be dancing at the bar downtown and I thought, I mean, would you.."

He trailed off and you laughed, "dancing sounds fun," you replied, causing him to smile.

He nodded to you, but could not contain his happiness, "I'll pick you up at 8."

You smiled as he turned away, practically skipping down the steps and out the front yard. You closed the door behind you and leaned on it, only to come face to face with Lucy and Edmund.

"I knew it!" Lucy shouted happily.

"You do realize that you just agreed to a date, don't you?" Edmund asked with amusement.

You rolled your eyes, "it seems clear that we won't be going back to Narnia anytime soon, probably best we started living our lives here."

Lucy's smile faded when she saw how sad you were. All you could think about everyday was taking care of your family, though your mind always drifted to Caspian, even after all these years. It made you sad to think that he was living his life without you, so you always tried to push it out of your mind. If a date and dancing could help you escape your stress just for some time, it was worth it.

Eustace was leaning on the wall next to the steps, "I see you're all still believing in a made up world again."

Edmund took a few steps towards him, but you held up your hand, "don't start you two," you said, walking towards the kitchen tiredly, "I'll get dinner started."

As you cooked you let your mind wander, only this time it wasn't about Narnia, this time you started to think Eustace was right. In your heart you knew Narnia was real, but in the real world maybe it was time to let go.


After dinner, you went upstairs to your room and collapsed on the bed, Edmund and Lucy were already there, each reading a book.

Eustace was there too, although he was writing furiously in his diary and mumbling to himself. "Nice to see you all getting along," you said with a tired smile.

They each nodded to you, but Edmund stopped reading, choosing to look at a painting on the wall by your bed, "sister, have you seen this painting before?"

You and Lucy both looked up, "very Narnian looking isn't it?" you replied, "and it you look close, it looks like the water is actually moving."

By now you were gathered around the painting, Eustace too, although he looked quite displeased, "what rubbish, a painting cannot move."

You looked at the painting again, ignoring him, "hold on, the water is actually moving."

Lucy looked at you curiously, before she too noticed that the painting had started to move, "do you think-"

She was cut off as real water started to seep from the frame, spilling into the room. Edmund smiled at you, "it seems your wish is coming true."

Eustace looked around in panic, "what are you talking about? Is this a dream?"

The room started to fill up with water faster now, "looks like you're going to Narnia anyway, Eustace," you said with a laugh, taking a deep breath as you went underwater.

The water was crystal clear, the blue hues from the bright sky reflecting off of it. You started to swim upwards needing air. You glided through the water like it was nothing, until you breached the surface taking in a deep breath.

Edmund, Lucy and Eustace both popped up next to you moments later. You smiled as you treaded water and looked up at the beautiful sky. You were finally home. 

Voyage of the High Queen (King Caspian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now