Fangs - Nadhir Nasar (Part 1)

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In this normal world, there will always be a person to believe in the supernatural kind of things and that person just happen to be you. Ever since you watch conspiracy story at a young believe that like witches, werewolf, Bigfoot, vampires and many more exist in the world. People around you will always tell you that you're weird to believe in such stuffs.

Even your own family brought you to go meet a shaman to get rid of those thought of yours but it didn't work so they gave up and just let you be. What is more surprising is that you look and talk normally like any human being but when a supernatural topic come out, you will be the first person to talk nonstop about it. It can be creepy to strangers but your friends and family are used to all of your conspiracy.

Until that night where all your conspiracy come true. It was late at night, you suddenly have the craving for ice cream so you went to buy at the nearest convenience store. Along the walk to your apartment, you bump into a tall man dress in a dark coat. You ignore it until you smell some kind of distinctive metallic smell. You stare at your shoulder to notice it damp with blood. You quickly look back to see the tall man took a turn in the alley.

You want to ignore it but there something inside you to go check on the man condition. You quicken your pace toward the man only to see the man weakly rest his body on the wall.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" You tap the man shoulder.
"Go away" he try to drive you away.
"But you're bleeding right? Let me help you bring to the hospital" you try to help him.
"No hospital. I just need to go home.." He weakly said.
"Then let me help you go to your home. Where is it?" You ask.
"Just leave me alone..." He said before faint in your arms.
"What? Hey!!! Shit!" You curse at yourself to bring yourself in this mess.

You decided to bring him to your apartment instead since its nearer and he told you he doesn't want to go to the hospital. You quickly place him on your bed and examination his injury. You notice there's a 3 long cuts on his chest, thankfully it wasn't deep so you clean it before treating it with antiseptic and bandage the wound.

The next day, you were woken up by a loud thump from your bedroom. You quickly check on it to see the man fall down from the bed.

"How can a grown man be so clumsy?" you chuckle at him.
"What...what did you do to me?" He covers his bare chest with the blanket.
"Something you less expected" you teasingly lick your mouth while scanning him up and down with seductive looks.
"You...did you took advantage of me last night? While I was in my weak form?!" He flustered ask.
"I'm're so gullible" you chuckle.
"I treat your wound last night after you fainted in my arms. You didn't told me where you live nor did you want to go to the hospital so I took you in my apartment instead" you explain the whole situation.
"I can't believe this happen" he sigh deeply at himself.
"Now that you're awake. Care to explain to me what happen to you?" You point at his wound.
"Why would I do that?" He glare at you.
"You own me for treating your big wound! Thank goodness it wasn't deep so you don't really need stitches but you still can't do heavy labor with that injuries" you said.
"How can you be so sure about that?" He ask.
"Because I'm a soon to be nurse~" you sheepishly smile with a peace on the side your eyes.
"Fine... Thank you but I have to go now" he try to stand up but the injuries still hurt so he kneel in pain.
"I told you so!" You said while helping him stand up slowly to lay down back on your bed.
"I don't need help. I can take care of myself just fine" he weakly said.
"You clearly doesn't look you can do that so just let me take care of your for awhile until you can handle your injuries" you said while checking his now soaked with blood bandage.
"I need to change your bandage. Is that okay?" You ask but he was fast asleep due to the unbearable pain he was feeling.

You did what you had to do while. Later at night, he had regain consciousness.
"How are you feeling?" You ask.
" did you change the bandage?" He ask, looking at his brand new bandage.
"Yes, two times!! Thankfully you didn't lose a lot of blood so I don't have to transfer you blood but maybe losing some blood made you weak so you kind of fainted 2 times." You said.
"Now can you explain what happened to you last night? Did someone attacked you?" You ask.
"Why are you so curios about a stranger, let alone a man" he said, leaning forward to you.
"Because you're now in my care so I get the right to know what happened to you" you reply not moving an inch.
"Before I tell you about it...let me tell you something that will surprise you more than last night incident " he grin.
"Shoot it" you have a look that you can handle it.
"I'm actually a vampire so why don't you let me go before I drink you dry" he whisper.

He lean back to see your scared expression but the reaction he got wasn't the one he wanted to see. You're smiling like you just won the lottery. His was extremely confuse by your reaction, there was two possibilities that you will be confuse or scared but none of it happen.

"Why are you smiling?!" He ask in shock.
"'re a vampire" you said, still smiling.
"And you're not slight scare nor confuse by it?!" He frown at your reaction.
"I'm extremely happy!!!! All of those conspiracy about vampire actually exist!!! I thought your kind extinct. Well that was written in the book but to see a real vampire sitting infront of me is so exciting!!!!" You gleefully squeal.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He grab onto your shoulder while shaking you out of frustration.
"It's my dreams to finally meet your kind and I finally can die in peace" you happily said making him more frustrate.
"It's hopeless." He sigh to think that he had encounter this kind of human.
"I have so many question for you! Do you drink blood on daily basis? Do garlic really can kill you? Does pierce on the heart kill you? Do the sun burn you? And...and!" You were about to ask a bunch of question but got shut by his palm on your mouth.
"No, I do not. I can eat garlic. Don't anyone die by the pierce of their heart? Sun doesn't burn my skin but it can leave a bad sunburn if I was leave in the sun for too long" he answered your questions.
"Are you even a vampire?" You said in slight disappointed in your tone.
"Well...I'm particularly a vampire" he mumble while looking at the side.
"Wait! Are you perhaps half vampire?!" Your eyes widen.
"You can say that. My mom is a vampire while my dad is human" he said making you more excited by it.
"This is amazing!!! You have to tell me more about this! But wait, do you drink human blood for survival? Since you're particularly a vampire since your mom is one?" You ask.
"Vampire evolve through the years so we don't fed on human blood anymore. Me and my siblings mainly drink from farm animal when we really need it to satisfied the urge for blood. My mom do to need drink it in daily basis since she's still a full vampire, blood animal not human" he said.
"Amazing!!! So you never taste human blood before?" You ask.
"No but maybe I can try tonight" he grin as his pointy fangs shows while looking thirsty at you.
"What...what are you?" You try to push him away.
"Let me take a taste of your human blood. Old tale said human blood taste sweet" he whisper near your neck.

He took a quick glance at your reaction to see you were tightly shutting your eyes as if you're okay for him to drink your blood. He rest his forehead on your shoulder and let out a chuckle making you confuse with his behavior.
"Enough with this joke. What's your name weirdo?" He ask making you pout with the nickname he call you.
"I'm not a weirdo! I'm y/n Hazelwood" you said.
"Hazelwood?" He was surprise to hear your last name making you tilt your head.
"This will be interesting." He grin.
"I'm Nadhir Nasar. Call me Nadhir. I will be in your care for now" he sweetly say before planting a gentle kiss on your knuckle.

His gesture made you blush but there was something you don't get. Why did he act surprise and suddenly act like that after knowing your family name.

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