Sir Atticus was surveying the landscape. "Come with me," he said. I nodded and followed him a little way from the truck. Each step was painfully sticky. When we were a little way away from the group, he whispered to me. "How are you doing?"

That was the question of the hour. I didn't know what I felt. My stomach kept lurching with every sniff. This awful tragedy was more than I could bear. But also, my other senses were being attacked. What I saw, what I could hear, even my empathy was crying out at the sight the demons had created. And it also filled me with worry. "I don't know," I murmured. I knew alright. All I wanted to do was go home. This wasn't a life I wanted. How could I have been so naïve to think that being an Arknight was glorious when all it did was lead to death?

Sir Atticus gripped my shoulder. "It's ok. It's always worse on your first time."

"Does this feeling go away?" I asked, trying to force my churning stomach to relax.

Sir Atticus just looked at me with soft eyes. His eyes said it all. "No, it never does," he said.

"Sara Blanc?" a woman's voice said from behind us. We turned around to see the woman witch standing there, her eyes focused on me. The boy was there as well, standing like a mirror to how I stood behind Sir Atticus. I looked back at her. How did she know my name? Had the Order given them our identity as to recognise us? However, from the surprised look on Sir Atticus's face, I didn't think that was the case. "You are to come with me," the woman continued. "The elders wish to speak to you."

Sir Atticus precariously put his arm across me and stepped forward. "As her mentor, may I respectively ask why."

There was a tense pause. I wondered how thin our alliance with the witches was. Would they turn on us in a heartbeat and kill us all for just the most minor inconveniences? The witch didn't smile. "They wish to speak to the Nexus."

My heart skipped a beat, and Sir Atticus' hand gripped me tighter. They knew about me? The witches knew about the Nexus. Did they understand why I was called that? This was the best lead I had in ages. I wanted to step forward and go with them right away, but Sir Atticus held me back. "Can you swear she will be safe?" Sir Atticus asked.

For the first time, the witch smiled. The look of ancient glee sent ice through my veins. "No one is safe with the elders," the witch said. "They are what they are."

"Then I can't let her go with you," Sir Atticus said.

"No," I blurted out, making even the witches frown. Sir Atticus glared down at me. I knew I would regret this later, but I could let this chance slip through my fingers. "Sir, me being here is already dangerous. You said it yourself. Plus, if they know something we don't..." I trailed off, looking hopefully at him. Sir Atticus bit his lip. He was clearly not happy with the situation.

The witch stepped forward. "It is clear you must let her go. She is required, and she is willing."

"Apparently, Arknights have a different definition of 'clear' to you," Sir Atticus said through gritted teeth. I spotted Sir Atticus glance down at the witch's arms. But Sir Atticus moved aside and turned to me. "Orders," he said. I stood to attention. "Go with them, but if you feel unsafe, you return here immediately. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," I said. I saluted and looked at the witch. The witch didn't even acknowledge me. She just turned and walked down a path deeper into the forest. I shook off my anxiety and followed her into the darkest parts of the woods.

The witch boy walked beside me, his eyes darting at sounds I could not hear. Now that we were alone, I assumed I was on my own. This was an opportunity to learn things I wouldn't never have time to again. "So, how long have you been a witch?" I asked casually. I waited for a moment, trying to gauge his reaction and wondering if we could talk.

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