Marcus and I saluted Sir Atticus and stood to attention. "I don't think you've met Sir Iris yet," Sir Atticus gestured to the women next to him. Sir Iris eyed me with an intrigued expression.

"So this is the one you mentioned in your last call. The Nexus?"

"This is Sara," Sir Atticus said. I saluted Sir Iris, and she gave me a sharp nod as appreciation, and I returned to standing to attention.

"I hope Lex has given you a warm welcome, Sara," Sir Iris, now turning to her own pupil.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. Lex blushed a little at my compliment.

"Good, I wouldn't expect anything less," she said, beaming at Lex. "I hope you've kept Marcus on his toes in the Angelway." She gave Lex a wink.

Shuttle buses picked people up by year groups and drove them into the city. Because of my addition, Sir Atticus, Marcus and I were an awkward three, so we sat at the back of the bus. It was weird to be at the back because the cool kids usually coveted it during my school days. I was glad we were at the back cause I got to see all the students and their teachers. I mainly focused my eyes on Lex and Sir Iris. Our interaction had left me a little confused. "Sir," I said, looking at Sir Atticus. He turned round to look at me. I realised I was whispering because I didn't want anyone else to hear what felt like a stupid question. "Sir Iris said she was on placement?"

Sir Atticus nodded. "She was sent to Yrok to help protect a group of travelling monks for today's ceremony. Why?"

"Well, Sir, if she is Lex's teacher, then who was teaching Lex when she was away?"

Sir Atticus smiled at me. "Two things happen: either the Squire is lucky enough to go with their teacher, or we leave them to train while their teacher is away. Obviously, this doesn't happen till you earn your beret." I studied the bus again. All the Squires apart from me had a beret on. A wave of shame came over me. I wasn't one of them. I kept fooling myself that I was. It's funny how easily you forget your place after a few weeks. They had all been training for years, and I had come in just at the end because of a prophecy no one knew about. I became tiny in my chair, hoping no one would look at me.

Londinium was pack as everyone was out enjoying the celebrations. The streets were rammed with stalls, amusements, and parties. It was incredible the amount of noise one place could produce. We could often hear the celebrations all the way from Wingsworth. Most of the roads were blocked off but the city had allowed the Arknight's buses to travel through unaffected. We were dropped off right outside the Colossi itself.I got out of the bus last before staring up at the vast cathedral.

It was so big that my small town temple could have fit in its main chamber. The Colossi was ancient beyond the city. It was said that Londinium was founded around the Colossi and not the other way around. Wrapping around the building were exquisite stain glass windows forged into shapes and sizes not thought possible. These windows tell the Divine's story in the centre; the angel regents on earth before the twelve Arknights of the Vale. They were the first Arknights, though I did not know what the Vale was. From my year six angelic studies project, all I learnt was that it was just a title. They were not just envisioned in the glass, though, but statues also guarded each point around the building. In-between them was twenty-four angels. In the Primdium (the holy book of the Order), they never really described angels except for powerful and awe-inspiring. However, I had never found the angel carvings that impressive.

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