"She's not a civilian,"Marcus said, taking back his ID. "She's a P-seven-seven-two." I had no idea what those numbers meant. But it had quite the effect on the guard. She looked at me stunned. Without another word, she hurried back to her post and lifted the barrier. Marcus nodded to her and drove into the complex.

What hit me first was the genuine size of the place. I knew it was big but this big. They had managed to fit in so much. There was a wall of tower blocks to my left with people coming in and out like its own mini city. To my right there were rows upon rows of vehicles: trucks, cars, motorcycles, quad bikes, and even tanks. Man and women marched along in sixes, patrolling the paths and eying us as Marcus pulled into the motor pool. There were plenty of people here too. Most were situated under vehicles or heads deep in engines. They all wore the same uniform as the Arknight but the badge was different. Their crest had wings either side of a shield. Marcus slipped into a parking space and cut the engine. "Ah, home," he said, taking off his helmet and replacing it with his beret. I took my helmet off but I kept looking around. Everything was so alien to me. The warm, friendly environment of Wingsworth had been replaced by this strong, armoured dominion. "What are you looking at?" Marcus said, as he hopped off the bike.

I jolted, only realising that I was staring at people. "I didn't realise there were so many people here," I said.

Marcus shrugged. "Most of them are auxiliaries. You know, army support for the Arknights, quick response for civilians, and talented engineers." I stared at him blankly. No I didn't know. Although my dream had been to become an Arknight, I had never studied the army structure. It was ridiculous to think twelve well trained soldiers could go up against an army of demons. I tried to survey the scene. One of these people could be Jason's dad. My stomach curled in on itself. I had never thought to ask Jason what his dad actually did. How was I getting home sick already?

There was a cough from behind us and I turned to see a man with a clipboard standing behind Marcus. He had begun turning gray and his back was slightly arched. However, his sleeves were rolled up and his arms were flecked with oil and cuts. "Another joy ride?" The man said, eying Marcus with distain.

"I didn't realise you miss me so much, Hawkins," Marcus replied, taking the clipboard and signing something off.

Hawkins just sniffed as he examined the motorcycle. I took an awkward step away, hovering uncertain about what to do. "You do realise this is a one seat motorcycle?" Hawkins pointed out as he took the clipboard back. "I though that would deter you from bringing a date on site." My checks became warm and I had to look away from them both.

"I wasn't expecting to bring anyone back," Marcus replied. "Plus she's not a date. Do you know if the Council are in session?"

Hawkins had already bent down to examine part of the engine. "Yes, they went into session twenty minutes ago," he said, already fiddling with something. Marcus gave him his thanks and dragged me out of the motor pool.

We marched along the path going deeper and deep into the complex. I kept twisting my head to chance a glimpse of what was down every road. There were gyms with people in the windows pulling weights and running on treadmills. Down another street was a shop with soldiers coming out with bags of food, drink, and essentials. I could have sworn down one street there was even a cinema. Off in the distance I could see green fields that looked out of place in the jungle of steel and concrete. What was even more out of place was what looked like a forest peeping through some of the gaps between buildings. Why the Arknights needed a forest was beyond me.

Prophecy of the NexusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora