You timidly make your way towards them, all the while silently calculating how you're going to get yourself out of this entire predicament.

"We were just thanking the king and queen for their hospitality, and for keeping you safe and comfortable during your time here." Your mother smiles.

"Oh, yes- I cannot possibly thank you enough." You turn to the king and queen. "I feel so exceptionally blessed to have had the privilege to stay in the palace during my time here. I don't believe it is possible for me to properly express my gratitude."

"You are welcome to stay with us any time you desire, my dear." Frigga beams. "I only wish you could've stayed the duration of your entire term with us."

"Prodigious news that's bringing you back home, however." Odin's voice nearly causes you to leap from surprise. He is generally a man of few words, and his voice is startlingly loud and powerful.

"Your words are very kind, my king. However, I am merely a prospect for Vanaheim's crown prince."

"Your humility is extremely enlightening, Lady Gersemi." Frigga rests her hand against your arm. As she begins to pull away, she hesitates- not long enough for anyone else to notice but you, but you know without a doubt she's noticed the bit of fabric from her son's shirt poking out from the sleeve of your dress. Your makeshift bandage. You continue to look at her with an increasingly more panicked expression, but she simply pats your arm, smiles, and continues speaking. "How about we let these three enjoy a bit of time together before they must return home?" She grabs hold of Odin's hand.

He nods, and they begin to leave. "Let us know if there is anything you need before your departure." She winks, and the two of them disappear around a corner.

"We are so incredibly proud of you, sweetie." Your mother wraps you into a tight hug, which your father quickly joins, and the burning in the back of your throat returns. I'm going to disappoint them. I have to disappoint them.

"There is something that I must tell you two." Your voice comes out far weaker than you'd prefer, causing you to sound similar to a small child.

They pull away from your embrace, both looking at you with concern.

"My dear... has something happened to you?" Your mother grabs hold of your hand and begins to inspect your face.

"What... no, why?"

"Your eyes. They're sort of... glowing. They are no longer your beautiful chocolate brown- they're... there's a sort of red ring around your pupils." She grabs ahold of the sides of your face like you are a misbehaving toddler and begins to inspect you closer up.

"I am absolutely fine, mother. It must be a trick of the light." You peel her hands off of you.

Although, I have felt a little off the last few days.

"We're taking you straight to the healers when we arrive home, we cannot have any strange illnesses putting a damper on plans of this importance." She pats your shoulder.

"Yes, sure- fine." You take a deep breath, and continue with what you were trying to get out. "I have discovered so many wonderful things during my time on Asgard. Things that I think could change my life..." You swallow, trying to force away the lump in the back of your throat. "I know that this is not the path that the two of you would choose for me, but I have decided that I'm going to-" Your speech is cut short by your parent's footman rushing into the hallway, visibly disheveled and out of breath.

"Your Graces- Kvasir requests your immediate presence in the communications room, it is urgent."


You are greeted by an eerie silence upon entering the communications room. Absolutely no one else is in the space, but a single portal, near the center of the room with the figure of your brother-in-law inside, glows in the darkness- awaiting your arrival.

"Kvasir, my dear, what is going on?" Your mother calls out the moment she is in view of his image.

"Hnoss has just been rushed to the emergency healing ward." He pauses briefly, pondering on his next words. "I am terribly sorry, for I do not know how to say this delicately, but there has been a complication with the pregnancy. At this point it appears that the chances of her or the baby's survival are extremely low."

"What!?" You wail. "What are you talking about? She is young and perfectly healthy! They need to concentrate on saving her! The two of you can conceive again once she is well!" You barrel toward the projection.

"They are concentrating on her Gersemi. She has lost a lot of blood."

"There are at least half a dozen herbs that aid in the natural regeneration process of white and red blood cells! What are they giving her?

"With all due respect Gersemi, this is far beyond your holistic approach to things." He barks.

"You know nothing of my studies Kvasir!" You point your finger at his image as you shout. "What is it you wish us to do!?" You fight back every urge you have to punch the hologram- doing so would accomplish absolutely nothing other than making you look completely ridiculous.

"I reached out to the three of you as soon as I was made aware of the severity of the situation. You should return home immediately if you wish to tell Hnoss goodbye."

Your mother's sobs rip you from your combative state. "No, no, no no!" She screams as you and your father wrap your arms as tightly as you possibly can around her.

"We're going back, right now." Your father declares as he begins to quite literally drag you and your mother out of the communications room.

"Father- but I-"

"We will have the footman gather your belongings." He cuts you off.


After a hurried tramp to Heimdall's post, the three of you barge into the golden dome.

"Heimdall, we must return to Vanaheim at once- it is extremely urgent." Your father grunts, clearly out of breath, but keeping up every bit of a stoic appearance.

"Yes, I see." Heimdall places Hofund into its slot, and begins to open up the Bifrost.

"Gersemi!" Loki's ethereal voice causes you to freeze in place.

"I tried to find you sooner- I left early this morning to retrieve this." You turn around to find him holding out one of the small purple flowers from the forest. Even in the direct sunlight, its glow is breathtaking. He places it delicately into your hair, resting just behind your ear. Before you can respond, he drops to a single knee in front of you.

"Loki... what are you-"

"Gersemi, I know that our time together has been short, and I know that while my title may not be enough to convince your parents, I desperately hope that my love for you will be enough to convince you. Will you marry me?"

Your entire world stands still, everything and everyone else ceasing to exist. You stare down at the prince- your prince, on his knee, gazing up at you with nothing but pure love and desperation to be with you. This is not the man your parents warned you about. This is a god who has shown you nothing but affection and respect, who has shown you wonderful things; a god whom you are in love with.

Yes, oh a million times yes.

"Gersemi. What is going on?" Your father steps in your direction, still holding your mother with her face buried in his chest, sobbing over your sister and her baby. His eyes dart rapidly between you and Loki, still on a knee in front of you- analyzing the situation.

"I..." You trail off as the realization kicks in. You have to go. You have to go right now to help your sister!

"Nothing, father." You say in a tone as cold as ice, turning your head back to Loki.

"I am so sorry, my prince. I must return home to fulfill my duties." With tear-filled eyes, you turn away from him, and walk down the rainbow bridge, refusing to look back.

When the swirl of brilliant light lifts you and your parents from the ground, and you begin your descent to Vanaheim, you finally allow your tears to escape down your cheeks.

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