The Amazing Invisible Girl!

Start from the beginning

Y/n: (Thoughts) Huh? I thought she just became Visible for A Moment

Tomei: I-I'm sorry I have to go now...

Hitomi: Tomei-San Please stay. 

Tomei then took A Seat.

Hitomi: Tomei-San I'm not sure you realize this but I'm sure you want to be seen. if this keeps up then No one would be able to see you

Tomei: I-I'm usually never seen. I'm Shy, socially awkward, an Introvert. I'm Like a Ghost to everyone...

Y/n: Hey, I always Noticed you, your one of my friends, remember?

She Just Blushed in response.

Hitomi: Well it Took Bravery to come here

Tomei: W-What are you talking about? I-I Just came here for A Bandage...

Hitomi: Yes, but the fact you walked into my Office and asked for one is far braver than you think. Your A Crystal Butterfly, and Even though your hard to see your really beautiful and all you need to do is Open up and let others see you.

Tomei: I-I don't know if I can do that...

Hitomi: Just try, and Be Brave like you are now, and everyone will see.

Later... Gym Class...

Moji: Well, Today everyone will be showing their own Dances!

Moji: Well, Today everyone will be showing their own Dances!

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Hitomi: Oh Mr. Moji

Moji: Sorry, I had to Drag you away from work Doctor Hitomi

Hitomi: Are you sure you want me to Grade Tomei-San?

Moji: Well, You're the only faculty member who can see her, and I sure can't.

Hitomi: Right, I Understand

Just then Shitara was finishing her dance as soon she accidentally ran into Tomei.

Shitara: Oh Sorry, Tomei-San, didn't see you there.

Tomei: I-It's Okay...

Shitara: Hey, I bet you'll do amazing out there.

Tomei: T-Thank you...

Shitara: (Thoughts) I swear I almost saw her A Second there.

Tomei: I-I'd Like to call this B-Butterfly...

She then Began to dance as thoughts Began to run through her Mind. She remembered what Hitomi told her as she then began questioning what she wants to be, as she remembered all of the People who always shrugged her off and never noticed her.

Tomei: (Thoughts) I want to Just disappear... No... I want to be Acknowledged... I want to be seen!

She then Began to appear as everyone seen her actually dance!

Y/n: (Thoughts) I Knew you could do it Tomei-san!

Tomei: (Thoughts) They see me, they can see me... They're Gazes are red hot but... I'll throw away the Chrysalis that hides me and I'll spread my wings. and show myself, so Please, Look at me!

She continued dancing as her clothes began to disappear and You could see

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She continued dancing as her clothes began to disappear and You could see... everything.

And everyone was Freaking out, as You and Tomei tried to cover her with A Blanket.

Tomei: (Thoughts) I never thought being seen could be so... Be so...


Itsuki: Well, it Looks like you can control your ability now!

Y/n: More like Lost control really...

Tomei: It seems like only my clothes had turned Invisible.

Itsuki: Did you go to school Like that?

Tomei: I felt everyone's eyes one me... But... I've been reborn! If people are going to Look at me then Bring it on! It's Embarrassing but it's alright!

 I've been reborn! If people are going to Look at me then Bring it on! It's Embarrassing but it's alright!

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Y/n: You Look so Happy about it!

Tomei then Blushed as her head Tunred Partially invisible.

Y/n: Tomei-san So you really can control it?

Tomei: (Blushing) Gh... You can really see right through me, Huh?

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