Chapter 16

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1 year later

Kaori POV

This past year had been chaotic and hectic but we made it through it. My dad passed away one year ago today, and I went to visit his grave. It was tough to take in because I was very close to him and the same goes for my mom. I stopped cutting myself and realized the number of scars I had. I feel bad because our team's stylist and the makeup artist are always having to plan something out to cover the ones that are visible. 

I'm currently in our bed crying because I really miss my dad. I feel like shit and really wanna kill myself. I feel like a disappointment to my family because I'm here in Korea pursuing my dream when my mom has to work and take care of my siblings all alone and there's no one to help her. And the fact that my manager told me I have to do a shoot in a couple of hours really pisses my the fuck off.  I just wish I could've been a better daughter. It should've been me that was killed not my dad.

After crying for what seemed like forever I had some lunch and started to get ready to go to the company. My manager is so messed up for choosing today of all days. He should've known what today is for me. I took a shower, got dressed, and headed to the HYBE.

(The fit)

I finally got here and went straight to my manager's car to leave for the shoot. I put on the AirPods Max Niki bought me recently and played some rnb Japanese songs. "Did you know that 1 year ago today my father passed away?" I asked my manager. "Oh my gosh, that was today? I'm so sorry I thought it was next week otherwise I would've scheduled the shoot for another day. I'm so sorry Kaori," he said. "It's okay you didn't know and I don't expect you to memorize that kind of info," I said. The rest of the car ride was dead silent. It just felt awkward but it was fine. I just kept on listening to my music until we arrived.

The staff and director were known for being rude so I was not surprised. I literally heard them talking shit about me behind my back but at this point, I          DONT            GIVE           A            FUCK. I just can't wait to leave this shitty place. "SUCK IN YOUR STOMACH!" the director yelled. I got off the set, changed, got my things, and told my manager to just leave because I was not in the mood to be treated like shit on a day like this. We quickly left after working for an hour because I could not take it anymore.

"I feel really bad for what happened today. I thought that it was just rumored that they were bad. I should've looked into it before booking you. I'm really sorry," my manager said. "It's fine, it's not your fault for not knowing. Besides they should learn how to be more respectful," I said. Niki suddenly called so I picked up. "Hey what are you up to?" he asked. "I'm not in the mood to talk about it right now," I answered. "Oh-okay. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be home a little late since we have dance practice today," he said. "Alright. Have you eaten?" I asked. "Yeah I ate with Jake hyung, have you?" he asked. "I had lunch a few hours ago," I said. "Kay I'll call u later our break is over," he said. "Alright bye," I said. "Bye love you," he said. "Love you too," I said as we ended the call.

Once we arrived back at the company, I headed home to my car. I decided to get our house chores done today. I started off with the laundry, then made my way to the dishes, then the floors. After a few hours of work, I took a nice hot shower and fell onto our bed. I was watching a show when my cousin Aki suddenly called. "Hey Shawty what's good?" he asked. "Not much how bout you shawty?" I asked. "Same old same old," he said. "Nice," I said. "Is Niki with you?" he asked. "No, Niki's not with me why?" I asked. "Oh, just wanted to say hi," he said. "Oh alright," I said. "I'm planning on visiting you when I arrive on Saturday," he said. "I don't think Niki's gonna be home that day," I said. "Oh well I can still see you plus I need a place to stay for free," he said. "Alright if you say so," I said. "I'll call you later I'm watching a show right now and your lucky I paused it for you. That's how special you are to me," I said. "Awww your so sweet," he said. "I know," I said as we both laughed. "Alright bye," I said. "Bye," he said.

Niki POV

I came home early to surprise Kaori with some of her favorite stuff. I was about to come into the room to surprise her when I heard her talking to someone. I swear I heard a male's voice and she mentioned that I'm not gonna be home and that he's gonna be coming. She even called him special and shawty. My heart sank after hearing her call him special.  Once she ended the call I went into our room. "Are you cheating on me?" I asked tear eyed. "Oh my god no. What makes you think that?!" she asked. "YOU'RE TRYING TO BRING SOMEONE OVER WHEN I'M NOT HOME AND YOU EVEN CALLED HIM SPECIAL AND YOU DON'T EVEN CALL ME SPECIAL!" I yelled. "Niki, my love, he's my cousin who is closest to me and who is ALSO COMING TO KOREA," she said. "Really?" I said. "Yeah he's gonna stay with us and he's coming on Saturday. That's why he asked if the both of us are going to be home but I told him that you had work that day," she said. "Ummm I'm still on the phone," a voice said. "AKI WHY DIDN't YOU HANG UP?!" she yelled. "It's funny hearing you guys fight. Don't worry Niki I'm her cousin and I'll send her proof to show you. Oh and hi by the way," he said. "Wow, and hello to you too," I said embarrassed. "Goodnight asshole," Kaori said as he snickered at her. "I love you too," he said then hung up for real.

"Ummm, oh yeah I almost forgot I got you these," I said as I showed her the stuff. "I know you were having a bad day so I figured I'd come home early and surprise you," I said. "Aww thank you," she said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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