31. Wall

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The inside of a church, a pastor with two others dressed in the same black robes as him were addressing the congregation standing in a circle before them.

Pastor Nick was standing with his eyes closed, arms out.

Everyone was wearing the golden necklaces representing the goddesses.

"Let us pray for our three goddesses: Maria, Rose, and Sina. For their continued well-being..." Pastor Nick said. "And for our peace and safety... You must not doubt the sacred Walls! The gleaming Walls, bequeathed to us by God, will grow stronger through our faith and devotion. An innocent heart wholly devoted to God offers ours only protection! Our only hope... of keeping them at bay-"

Suddenly, the Female Titan ran through the building, destroying it in the process, crushing the followers.

Outside the church, the Attacking Titan was chasing after the Female titan with a deadly look.

Pastor Nick opened his eyes, arms guarding his head. His eyes widened at the sight of the Female Titan running. "A Titan? How'd it get here?"

The Attacking Titan ran past Nick and the force sending him tumbling backward.

"No!" Pastor Nick yelled. "Stay away from the Walls! Our Walls!"

Civilians on a wide road watched as the Attacking Titan gave chase to the Female Titan.

He brushed by a building and they began to scatter.

The Female Titan continued to run and the Attacking Titan pursued.

Mikasa, Faye, Armin, Petra, Jean and Hange on a building the two Titans raced past, observing them.

"Looks like he's retaining control this time." Hange said.

"I hope he doesn't get distracted like before." Petra said.

"I don't know what the outcome will be." Jean said. "Let's just hope for the best."

"Yeah." Armin replied.

The Attacking Titan continued to chase the Female Titan.

"An open area!" A scout yelled.

Two Scouts landed on a roof and observed the area that lay ahead.

"The Female Titan's headed out into the open!"

"We can't use our 3D maneuver gear there!"

Hange landed nearby. "Split into two teams and go around!"


Armin and the other Scouts took off.

The MPs were struggling to put on their gear.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"

"Son of a bitch! Where'd they come from?"

The soldiers yelled out and scrambled out of the path as the two titan came.

The Female Titan turned, sliding back, throwing out an arm into a building to slow her momentum.

Several soldiers without gear fell out.

The two Titans stood facing each other, staring the other one down.

The Female Titan pulled up her arms, getting into a fighting stance.

The Attacking Titan brought his hands up and hardened them till his elbow.

The Female Titan's eyes widened at the sight and she too, hardened her fist.

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