"I'm so sorry, sir. It was an accident!" Jiyong lied while shooting a smirk at Beomgyu.

Hongjoong simply glared at him. "Uh huh. I'll deal with you later. Throw your spear in the pile and wait by the lake. Clearly you have some frustration you're trying to take out on Beomgyu right now." he stated, holding Beomgyu's chin.

The class snickered, and Jiyong scowled and stormed off, dropping down on the grass right in front of the lake.

Hongjoong finally stepped away from Beomgyu, Jungkook stepping up to inspect the injury as well.

"Well, you won't die. But I should probably send you to the nurse, just to be safe." He glanced around, then pointed. "You. Take Beomgyu to the nurse."

When Beomgyu saw Jungkook's finger pointed at a dark haired boy with a murderous look on his face, he groaned. The last thing he needed was to deal with another person that disliked him for something he couldn't help.

But Taehyun simply walked over to them. He did, of course, take a moment to stretch his legs, and kick Jiyong as hard as he could.

Right into the lake.

The class fell silent as Jiyong jumped back up, and pushed himself back onto the grass. He was gasping for air, and glancing wildly around until his furious eyes found Taehyun. Jiyong simply stared at him for a while, as if not knowing what to do. Even Hongjoong was staring at Taehyun, wide-eyed.

Still, no one spoke. Except Hades' son, who shrugged.

"I'm sorry, sir. It was an accident."

Beomgyu tried everything in his power not to cackle with surprised delight..

While the class started to laugh and fall into impressed whispers, Taehyun grabbed Beomgyu's hand and the two sprinted away from the lake before Jiyong could catch up.

Feeling safe enough a fair distance later, Beomgyu ignored the loss of the other boy's hand while they stopped to catch their breath. He then stared at Taehyun, who was simply breathing heavily and looking back at him.

Then, they start to laugh. Wild, bewildered laughs pour out of the two boys until they'd both fallen to the ground with glee.

"Holy. Shit." Beomgyu stated between cackles. "That was awesome."

They got up, and Taehyun shrugged again. "Asshole's had it coming for a while now."

When Beomgyu simply smiled at him, he coughed and gestured up towards the nursing hill. "We should still go, probably. Just to not get in trouble."

"Oh... sure. Yeah." Beomgyu nodded and trailed behind when Taehyun started up towards the hill. "So, is Jiyong always like that? I mean, all of them. They're so..." Beomgyu tried to think of the word.

"Dickish?" Taehyun offered and Beomgyu nodded, chuckling. Taehyun sighed, and Beomgyu couldn't cover his shock when the other smiled at him. He was probably just pitying Beomgyu for the cut still bleeding on his face.

"I think they're just super cocky. It's like...all of their personalities completely depend on being a warrior's son. It makes them think they're the best, and they never like when someone shows them up."

"Yeah," Beomgyu said. Then, fondly, "They nearly pissed themselves around you though."

Taehyun frowned and said nothing, simply looking down. After a moment he asked "How come you aren't?" 

It was Beomgyu's turn to frown. "How come I aren't what?" Shaking his head at Beomgyu's dumb copying, Taehyun continued. "Like, terrified of me."

Pandora's BoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora